Coming Home Meditation Is Back Thursday + A Final Appearance at The Stoa
Dear Friends,
I’m flying back from Europe tomorrow, so I’ll resume our Coming Home meditations on Thursday at 12 noon EST this week. I hope you’ll join. I’ve received some wonderful downloads from this adventure, including a powerful trip to the cave of Mary Magdalene in Southern France.
I also wanted to share that I’ll be part of a Collective Presencing experience at the final session of Peter Limberg’s The Stoa. My understanding is that The Stoa is regenerating in new forms—including an in-person experience in Toronto (cannot wait to be there). This final 2-hour session is sure to be fun, unexpected and enlightening as all of his events have been. I’ll miss The Stoa I knew and look forward to giving it a great send-off. Plus…Bonnitta Roy. I’ll watch/attend anything I can that Bonnie is doing! Join if you’re from from 12-2pm EST on Wednesday. You can read Peter’s post about the event here. Registration is here…