Coming Home Meditation Is On Wednesday Morning This Week ~ Open Awareness
A practice to help us un-learn our fixation on the attentional system and it's occasional paranoia :)
“The more embodied we are, the more open the awareness.” –Reggie Ray
Dear Friends,
On Sunday, my Joy of Embodiment cohort worked with subtle attunement to the body’s signals. One of the practices we did was an “open awareness” meditation to re-kindle and activate our connection to the body’s deep and ever-present receptivity and wisdom. I’d like to offer it again this week to anyone who’d like to try taking a break from the intensity of attention.
Join us Wednesday morning from 9-10:15 EST for a meditation and group talk:
Attunement Is a Matter of Awareness and Attention
What does it mean to attune to the body? To the living world? To each other? For me, it’s a process of refining the quality and focus of my attention, and also opening to awareness throughout the body. Why is this important? Because I am interested in being awake and agentic in my life. Because I want to receive the wisdom the world is trying to share with me. Because I am in a symbiotic, co-creative relationship with Spirit and I am listening with my whole body!
A good friend of mine, Daniel Pinchbeck, once said, “The person with the most wisdom is the person with the greatest range of motion.” I have thought about that hundreds of times since he said it and I have found it to be true over and over again. Sometimes, I am that person. I can see more, feel more, and have access to more information in the field. This allows me to make better decisions and to direct the flow of energies as Life would have them move. Sometimes, someone else is that person and I thrill to watch them navigating the subtle fields with skill and precision.
Becoming attuned requires slowing down, becoming present, and learning to read the signs more accurately. In a world that is largely out of sync and running mechanistically, this can be a heroic act and a tough swimming against the tide. Only here is the secret--the mechanistic world, the system, those who seek to control, are swimming against the tide. YOU are swimming with it when you are aligned with life and attuned to the cues She is giving.
This kind of living has its own rewards. Magic happens through alignment with subtle forces. Harmony is possible only when we are aligned with subtle forces. Peace, flow, inspiration...when we step into the river of life and stop clinging to the banks or trying to swim against the tide, we experience the vastness of eternity, timelessness. There is...a great RELIEF in it.
Living like this requires embodiment. The body is the ultimate vehicle for our experience of life. It is like the instrument through which life plays Her music. Life is coursing through the body with every breath and pump of the heart. Our systems are vast, spacious, and alive. Our thoughts are alive. We are constantly exchanging information with the living environment. Becoming conscious of the nature of that exchange and the content, can help us navigate and be more co-creative with life.
What is life trying to tell you right now?
What is this moment trying to tell you?
How is the way you are being in this moment impacting your environment? Your relationships? Your life?
One of the primary tools for knowing what life is saying is AWARENESS. Awareness is different from attention. Attention is's an aperture. It limits what we experience in order to make sense of it. This is an important skill. If you've ever tried to study a complex subject, it takes attention; that ability to screen out all extraneous input and focus completely on the subject at hand. Attention is important for navigating relative truth.
Awareness is different. Awareness is open by nature. It is inclusive and expansive. Awareness is synonymous with consciousness. Awareness pervades space. It is non-local and omnipresent. The more open our awareness, the more information in the field we have access to. We can then choose to direct our attention to what is of interest in that moment. Someone with open awareness is reading the environment and the situation like a book, without thinking. Where attention is a faculty of the mind and good for navigating relative truth, awareness is a faculty of the body--well, it is actually a quality of space which is accessed through the space in the body. Awareness is a tool for accessing ultimate truth.
It takes a refined quality of attention to pick up the signals the body receives through awareness of the messages the teaching principle of the Universe is sending us. In our everyday mode of being, we miss so much. Let's look at how we might be able to perceive more and perceive more accurately. Also how we can help each other really *see* what is asking to be seen and integrated. How can we follow the streaming of Life and be in service to that? Let's see!
As always, Coming Home is a pay-what-you-feel event. Suggested donation is between $10-20 but if you are a paid subscriber or finances are tight, please come for free. The more the merrier. You can donate here: Venmo @ElizabethSchuyler-Brown and Paypal: