Coming Home Meditation Is Tomorrow 9am EST ~ The Soul
Our souls are asking us to create the conditions on earth now for soul-centered living. How do we do it?
I finally understand what’s coming home:
The Soul.
Dear Friends,
When I arrived at this farm in March 2020 after 20 years in NYC, I felt an instant call down into my body and into intimacy with the earth. This cycle for me has been a period of profound grounding and a process of opening to the mystery that’s right here and now. Every day the farm offers infinite opportunities for communion and wisdom exchange with Nature. The rhythm and aesthetics of this life have taken me both “back” to my own ancestral experience of survival and “forward” into a future that is less anthropocentric and more rooted in the whole web of life.
During this time, I’ve felt inspired to offer meditations and practices arising from this earth-centric experience that feels so divinely and viscerally embodied, and the Tibetan Tantric path that has enchanted and initiated me. I’ve been calling the work Coming Home because that’s what it’s been for me: a coming home to my body, into a deeper relationship with my community, and into intimacy with this earth.
I wrote an essay about the practice as it is revealing itself to me. This is good background if you’re interested. Every Tuesday morning I offer a community meditative journey and discussion. This is open to anyone and all levels of meditation. Periodically, I also offer small intensives where I take a group of 8-12 people on a journey deep into the body. Here is a brief grounding practice, if you’d like to try it…
Tomorrow’s Talk and Practice ~ The Soul
ZOOM Link for practice/discussion at 9am EST.
Something new occurred to me last week and it hit me like a lightning bolt out of the blue. I realized in the middle of a meditation that I had been focused to this point on the HOW and WHY of coming home, and I hadn’t really thought much about WHO or WHAT is arriving.
In that moment I knew because I felt it happening within my own heart…It’s the soul that wants to be here now, at home in this body, and in deep union with its beloved planet earth and other beings. This is what the soul had to say about this movement and this moment in our collective awakening…
We are creating the conditions in the body and in the world for the emergence of a soul-centered society. Each of us will inhabit and express on the soul-level of being.
We will relate from this dimension, interacting with Earth and each other as soulful beings, as ethereal/light beings as well as material beings. We will be able to feel the subtle dimension here and now. Always and already.
The soul is fundamentally an individualized expression of the whole. It knows and never forgets this. All phenomena and experience is through this lens of wholeness and oneness. Doing-ness will be different…arising from the soul’s imperative, from the soul’s connection to the master plan, evolution in the highest sense. Action will be spontaneous and collaborative…considerate, compassionate, and clear.
We will have a different understanding of what is happening and what needs to happen because we will be intimately and continuously connected to the whole. Collective intelligence is really possible in the purest sense at the level of the soul. This is an entirely new way of being and it will impart new ethics, new structures, and new perspectives. Old ways will not be sufficient to the new view so they will fall away as immediately irrelevant and useless.
We will honor ourselves and the earth because the soul can only inhabit sacred space, will only express itself in a sacred context. Our boundaries will be more clear as we perfect the art of merging without losing ourselves. We will learn that the greatest gift to the whole is reverence to the Self. Honoring ourselves, we honor each other. Self-sacrifice becomes impossible at this point because we know to hurt ourselves that way is to hurt the whole.
The soul is highly attuned, subtle, specific, fluid. It is awake and present. It has the capacity to hold everything—all experience and feelings. It has tremendous compassion for the suffering we are in, the suffering of life. It wants to alleviate that. When the soul is the center of beingness there is incredible sensitivity.
The soul is made of bliss and pulsing with creativity. Empathy is effortless for the soul. The soul is unique and also engaged in epic expanses of learning with and through relationships.
The soul longs for us to abandon the mode of survival that constricts and contracts us right now. It needs us to heal the obscurations. It wants us to thrive! It is abundant and luxurious, sensual and pleasure-oriented. It lives in a heavenly realm and it will guide us to create that here: heaven on earth; the body as temple; this earth as sacred ground.
Sacred world expressing itself through us: This is where we are headed. It’s already here.
If you’d like access to more Coming Home meditations and practices and also invitations to small group practice intensives, please become a monthly or paid subscriber.