Coming Home Meditation This Week ~ Tuesday 9am and Thursday 12pm EST ~ Earth
In the light of recent news of alien spacecrafts, I'm offering meditations to ground us in the unique frequency and gifts of our home planet.
Dear Friends,
I’ve been enjoying the news that continues to unfold this week about former U.S. intelligence official, David Grusch, who is being called a whistleblower on the government’s possession of alien spacecrafts made of an “exotic,” non-earthly material. Whether or not the story is true is still unknown (Vox is skeptical), but the fact remains that the “We are not alone” sentiment is—once again—going mainstream, growing in popularity, and raising some interesting questions about what it means to be human…residents of earth.
Made of earthly materials … and stardust.
The Coming Home meditation series is intended to bring us more into our bodies and into a deeper relationship of presence and intimacy with earth and our reality here on earth. Of course, space is part of our reality here on earth. But, I often wonder if these stories have a particularly jarring effect on our contemporary experience because we’re so disconnected from earth, so disembodied, and mostly pretty ambivalent about the future of life here on this planet (or in a state of numbness at the potentially dire situation we’re in, is probably more accurate). Our actions tell a tale of estrangement and alienation—we are aliens, in a sense, on our own planet.
It’s complicated, of course. To show my cards: I am a believer. I do believe there’s TONS of life out there—seen, unseen—angels, demons, ancestors, deities, boddhisattvas, extraterrestrials, cosmic masters, gods, entities of varying degrees of benevolence and malevolence…In fact, I know there is. But, there’s also lots and lots of life HERE that we’ve forgotten how to communicate with, miraculous beings like birds, plants, trees, bees, insects, four-legged animals…not to mention, each other. My neighbors are still strangers to me, let alone beings from other planets!
I understand the fascination, of course. And it will be fun and wonderful…even momentous…to have proof, to know empirically. But, I want to know EARTH first, while I’m here. I want to understand what these aliens are trying to understand about this place. I want to be intimate with my home planet. So, let’s meditate on EARTH my friends. Let’s feel her, be with her and know her better in our bodies, in our lives. It would be a tragedy to miss the plot here.
Coming Home is from 9-10am EST on Tuesday and 12-1pm EST on Thursday. Join either or BOTH. It’s a wonderful community. We talk, meditate/journey, and share our insights; mining the group intelligence and learning together.
This is a pay-what-you-feel experience. Suggested donation is $10-20 for drop ins. Whatever you feel called to give is appreciated. Contributions can be made here: Paypal: or Venmo: ElizabethSchuyler-Brown. Paid subscribers, you are already covered. Thank you.
Oh so good! Wish I could be there. Sorry will my mother in the states this week.