Coming Home Meditation Tomorrow at 12p EST ~ Gaia Speaks Without Words
A meditation tomorrow on the healing and holding of our Mother Earth beyond words
Dear Friends,
As I write, I am feeling such warmth and certainty. I want you to feel it with me. It’s not coming from me, but it’s my birthright and yours…It comes from being in touch with Earth and her incredible, natural impulse to care for her children. That’s us. And it’s simple. She needs us to listen, to return to Her, to tune in, to really open to receive her messages.
The thing is…they’re not verbal.
She speaks through the body, especially the bodies of women.
She speaks through the plants—their roots, branches, leaves, mycellium.
She speaks through the elements.
She speaks through emotions…which change and shift like the weather.
She speaks through images, metaphor, music, rhythm, and memory.
And of course, she speaks through us…mostly through our relating.
Tomorrow I want to create a sacred space for feeling and healing with Gaia. We will open our hearts to Her. We will make ourselves available to Her flow of care and love. We may feel Her healing presence. It’s always with us when we tune in.
We’ll gather at a different time to accommodate my body after a lot of travel and time zones. I hope you can make it. 12pm EST / 9am PST
I will bring in the energy and wisdom I received from Her today. This afternoon, my friend and collaborator, David Sauvage, and I did one of our Embodied Conversation Rituals in Austin, Texas. We were both here for a conference on “emergence.” Emergence didn’t fully happen at the conference, but we achieved it today with a very small group at an incredible place called Casa De Luz. We sat together in a subtle state and asked the question:
What does God want us—those of us dedicated to the emergence of the better world our hearts know is possible—to know now about emergence?
Somewhat surprising to us—as true emergence is—was the arrival of Gaia. The message was clear: emergence happens through the body, with the Earth, and it is fundamental to listen to Her first and ongoingly. David held the space for Her and She came through my body. I will share what I felt.
When we change our mode of listening and relating to Her, we can hear Her, which is actually a lot of FEELING Her. Our senses are built to receive the elements, to translate the information contained in elements, the elemental wisdom, into something humans can work with. They are our interface with Her unfathomable expanse, Her planetary wisdom, Her glory.
And we need each other to really, fully feel Her. She is so vast and Her messages for us are so deep, penetrating, and immediate. She needs us to approach Her and listen to Her from the place of strength and stability that community provides. She needs a communal body. She needs us to be networked energetically in order to hold the enormity of her mycelial messages. She wants us to remember the ways we once knew of being with Her, the rituals that our ancestors had to receive Her wisdom and Her gifts…Her care. Rituals that were also an offering. She needs us to honor Her, to extend ourselves towards Her, to acknowledge Her and make space in our hearts for BEING with Her. Then, she holds us. She provides without end. She heals. She cares for her children.