Coming Home Meditation Tomorrow at Noon EST/9am PST
Join us for a collective sourcing of meditational objects and integration
Dear Friends,
This morning I made this mandala in Los Angeles. It surprised me with it’s focus on irregular, aged, faded, and matured objects. I started it when I found the white rose in the center. The speckles caught my eye. I’m a freckled person and this freckled rose just really felt special to me in it’s perfect “imperfection.” As I collected, I was drawn to a pastel palette. My meditation was on the process of aging and how it mellows things so beautifully.
Tomorrow we will sit together and listen in to all the living world that is calling to be included in our meditation. Come and bring your presence and noticing. Share or be a witness. We will sit and mellow together into the goodness.
This is a pay-what-you-feel experience each week. Suggested donation is $10-20 for drop ins. Whatever you feel called to give is wonderful and appreciated. Contributions can be made here: Paypal: or Venmo: ElizabethSchuyler-Brown. Paid subscribers, you are already covered. Thank you.
With love,