Coming Home Meditation Tomorrow at Noon EST
Join me for a sharing circle and group guided-journey...
Dear Friends,
Are you interested in alchemizing this moment? I know I am. I’m tired of being in reaction. I’m tired of feeling like a victim of circumstances beyond my control. As a friend said to me recently, isn’t this moment what we’ve been training for? Indeed, it is. Let’s learn all we can and apply ourselves to holding each other through this learning journey to higher ground.
I need community right now more than ever. How about you? I’m so grateful for our small, but expanding Coming Home community. We meet regularly—almost every week—and bring forward whatever is on our hearts, what feels alive or needs to be witnessed, or held communally. It’s so powerful—deep listening and sharing. And then, I weave us into a guided journey that uplifts and alchemizes the space, our field, using all the medicine that was presenced in our stories and surfacing of collective wisdom. It’s a spontaneous art form, an on-the-spot collaboration with the subtle energetics of the field and the unseen helpers who are trying to guide us.
It’s really beautiful. If you need love and community now, come. You’re welcome.
This is a pay-what-you-feel experience each week. Suggested donation is $10-20 for drop ins. Whatever you feel called to give is wonderful and appreciated. Contributions can be made here: Venmo: ElizabethSchuyler-Brown or Paypal: Paid subscribers, you are already covered. Thank you.