Coming Home Meditation Tomorrow Morning @ 9am EST ~ Less Is More
A meditation and community talk about being more and doing less
Hello friends!
I hope you had a lovely holiday weekend. It really felt to me like the start of summer, though the solstice isn’t until June 21. Culturally, Memorial Day is the start of many summertime activities and indulgences, and so…how are you going to enjoy your summer? Have you thought about it? I’m opening that portal myself and I want to create a space where we can relax into the long, lazy days, sunny abundance, and unexpected adventures of summer together.
What does summer mean to you?
What are your fondest summer memories?
What summer activities do you love most?
How are you different during the summer?
How does your body feel in summertime?
What is pleasurable to you in the summertime?
Whatever your circumstances or means … whatever your climate … there is a summertime within that can be accessed and stoked. One of the qualities I really want to cultivate tomorrow is the way summer can help us slow down, chill out, and sink in more deeply with friends and loved ones.
Next week I will get back into a deep exploration of the chakras. We started with the solar plexus chakra last week and I will bring in whichever chakra is calling for attention next. For now, I’m still in a holiday frame of mind and I want to stay there! Come join me .