Coming Home Meditation Tuesday at 9-10am EST ~ Let's Stay
Tomorrow morning, join me for a simple yet powerful practice
Dear Friends,
One of the most important aspects of successful meditation (and a key to life, incidentally) is cultivating the ability to stay with your experience: not exiting what is happening. It’s actually incredibly rare. We develop complex strategies to NOT be with Reality and we call this “life.”
Calming staying is a skill that takes disciplined practice. I‘ve been working with it recently and have been humbled by how easily I can be distracted and pulled out of my immediate experience—especially when there is intensity in what’s arising. My mind wanders. My ego begins to tell me tall tales about what’s happening and how thinking about this or that is really more productive than just sitting here. My habit of DOING over BEING kicks in, and I want to work harder to heal, to feel, to…I don’t know…get somewhere.
This is really the heart of calm staying practice…just coming back to the body, the breath, the ground. Just being with what’s arising. It’s not easy. But, the results are resiliency, steadiness, courage and compassion…to name a few.
No need to register. Just show up for a delightful group discussion and sit. Please note the suggested donation for a Coming Home meditation is $20. But, you can pay what you feel. If you are already a paid subscriber, please come for free. You can pay via Venmo: ElizabethSchuyler-Brown or Paypal: Thank you!
REMINDER: New Workshop for All (Not Just Women) on Healing the Lower Chakras Starts June 11
This spring I’ve been facilitating a small-group healing circle of women to explore and heal the Lower Chakras—root, sacral and solar plexus. It’s been profound to do this earth-loving, body-loving, community-building work as a group. It’s more potent, more magical, so supportive. I’ve learned a lot. I think we all have. And it’s been fun.
I want to gather another group for the summer. This time, the group is open to women and men. This clearing and intimate knowing of the lower chakras is essential work in these times. Opening DOWN is how we also open UP.
We will come away with a new understanding of the subtle body, the purpose and function of the lower chakras, tools for clearing and balancing these chakras, and actual healing of trauma stored in these energy centers and the subtle body.
The course is open to 12 participants and will run for 10 weeks from June 11—August 20, 2023 on Sundays from 12-2pm EST. The cost is $888. If you’re interested, send me an email here: Healing and building spiritual community is a profound gift to give yourself.