Coming Home Meditation Will Be Wednesday 9-10:15am EST ~ Navaratri ~ Honoring the Goddess
Join me for a live group meditation on ZOOM this Wednesday morning
“I like to think of goddess practice as a form of sacred feminism; a kind of feminism of the soul. One of the questions that sacred feminism tries to answer is this: what is true feminine power? And in answering the question, we go beyond gender and we discover that the life force of the universe is the feminine face of Spirit. So to be a sacred feminist is to be a lover of the feminine face of God as She appears in the world, and also in our own psyche and soul. While also recognizing that the feminine can never be separated from her masculine other half. And it is also to recognize that the feminine face of Spirit acts creatively and destructively with equal facility. The sacred feminine is the power of nurturing and she is also the power that destroys outworn forms.”
– Sally Kempton, Shakti Meditations
Dear Friends,
I really wanted to meditate with you tomorrow (Tuesday) morning, but I’ve had significant travel delays and won’t be getting home tonight until very late. For my own wellbeing, I need to hold the group meditation on Wednesday morning this week. I hope you can join!
Join here from 9-10:15am on Wednesday:
Today was the first day of Navaratri the nine-night festival of the goddess in the Indian/Hindu tradition. This week during our Coming Home meditation, we will tap into and contribute to the incredible upswell of blessings granted to the goddess during this planetary alignment. It’s a potent time to honor Her! During Navaratri, nine aspects of the goddess are celebrated, including Her three primary forms: Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati.
Durga - She who is hard to conquer, the warrior goddess, cosmic protector, and fierce mother
Lakshmi - Goddess of good fortune, health, wealth and inner and outer abundance
Saraswati - The flowing one, Goddess of language, creativity, eloquence, music and the arts
On Wednesday morning, we will work with Durga as she is the first aspect of the goddess and the mother of them all. We will recognize Her as a real force in the Universe and also as an archetypal force within our own psyches. Here are some of her qualities:
She carries us through difficulties.
She bestows right knowledge and cuts through ignorance and ego clinging.
She is most gentle and also most fierce in Her compassion.
Breaker of obstacles.
Stands up for justice and inner freedom.
Fills you with the power to speak truth.
Protectress of her children in their time of need.
Source of deep ecstasy.
She saves the world when nobody else can do it.
I will share a brief story about Durga and we will meditate on her form, offering our gratitude and reverence and opening to receive her gifts. Durga is wonderful for personal protection and transformation, but she is also much-needed in the world right now. As women’s rights continue to be threatened and the feminine rises in defiance to old systems of oppression, it is Durga with her 10 arms full of weapons and her martial arts-like, warrior-goddess prowess who can help. Let’s call on her!