Coming Home Meditations + Last Call for New Course Starting Sunday
Let's start the new year with healing & feeling
Dear Friends.
Join me this week for Coming Home, a guided meditation that’s also a practice of deep listening, collective weaving, and healing. These sessions are drop-in and open to all. I find the hour I spend attuning to the sacred, myself, and friends in community sets my system (and perspective) straight for the whole day and sometimes several. When I’m hosting these gatherings regularly, I feel more connected to magic AND my humanity. It’s pretty special.
As I gear up for in-person retreats in March and June, I may stop offering these meditations so if you’ve been curious, please do join. They won’t go on forever.
You don’t have to RSVP. Just use this link to join us.
Tuesday, Jan 9, 9-10am EST
Thursday, Jan 11, 12-1pm EST
There is a suggested donation of $10-20 unless you are a paid subscriber. Donations can be made through Venmo: ElizabethSchuyler-Brown or PayPal:
The Art of Becoming More Sensitive In a Desensitized World ~ New Course for All Starts This Sunday!
I want to invite you to join me and a small group of sensitive human beings for a journey into deep self-acceptance and a radical discovery of new ways of being in our bodies together—sensing, sensitive, loving, healing, knowing, trusting…
The Art of Becoming More Sensitive In a Desensitized World starts this Sunday! Join us.
I am a feeler. Are you? I know most of what I know because I feel it—in my bones, in my blood, in my physical body, in my nerve endings, and in my subtle body. I even feel my thoughts in my mental body.
I know TRUTH through resonance.
I know LOVE in my body.
I know PLEASURE through my nerves.
I know I am alive because I FEEL it.
I also know GRIEF and FEAR and ANXIETY and FRUSTRATION and ANGER…I know how I feel about what’s happening—I have opinions, not judgments—because I feel my way through this world.
I make art when I FEEL inspired: when a mandala beckons me to the outdoors or when a poem comes knocking.
Sometimes, my feeling can be TOO MUCH - for me and for my loved ones. Sometimes, I am overwhelmed by feeling. The world feels like an assault. Sometimes I make bad decisions and get reactive because I lose touch with myself or I stop feeling in order to think my way through something. Sometimes, I even stop feeling the presence of the divine. That’s when I know I need to stop, slow down, nourish myself, and find my way back to a healthy state of receptivity and regulated feeling.
You might think, “I don’t know if I want to become more sensitive. Things are hard enough as it is!” I hear that. But, shutting down is not the answer. Shutting down, dissociating, numbing, ignoring, compartmentalizing…these exits are temporary and they don’t lead to happiness in the long term. They don’t lead to healing or integration. They don’t lead us to where we most want to be: fully alive, awake, and available to our unique life experience!
When I start working with new clients, I often have to start by teaching them to feel. They THINK they know how to feel, but that’s precisely the problem. Because we don’t support a healthy expression of feelings in this culture, we learn to navigate feelings with thought and we believe we need to justify our experience with reasons. We manage our emotions and sensations, override them, convince ourselves we should feel differently.
The truth is expressed in the Blaise Pascal quote:
"The heart has its reasons, which reason does not know. We feel it in a thousand things. It is the heart which experiences God, and not the reason. This, then, is faith: God felt by the heart, not by the reason."
I don’t know about you, but I am READY to live in the HEART and to give my whole heart and body to this life experience. I don’t want to think about it or talk about it anymore. I want to be it. I want to do it. I want to love it. I want to live it.
I have learned a lot over the years about the senses and subtle sensing. In this course, I will create a safe space for us to come together to feel and share and learn and grow more sensitive together in a way that is resilient and well-resourced.
We will gather for eight Sundays from 12-2pm EST on Zoom to connect and share. In between sessions we will have readings and short video assignments and even art and writing assignments. It will be fun, challenging, enlightening, and deeply nourishing. I will also do some deep process work with those who want that—like hands-on adjustments in a yoga class.
You will leave knowing yourself better and feeling more. If you are someone like me who sometimes feels too much, you will learn how to handle that better.
The subtitle I gave the course is Embodiment, Empathy and Culture because I believe what we will experience over the 8 weeks of this course is nothing short of a new cultural norm on earth—one that is built on trust, respect, sensitivity, love, unique self-expression and creativity.
The course is $600 for non-subscribers to The Art of Emergence and $500 for subscribers. Payment plans and scholarships are available. Just reach out:
REGISTRATION ENDS SATURDAY SO SIGN UP QUICK! When you RSVP, I will send you an email with options for payment. You don’t have to pay upon registration.