Coming Home Meditations This Week ~ Today at 9am and Thursday at Noon EST
Link and brief thoughts
Dear Friends,
This week’s meditations will continue on the path of co-creation and weaving. Last week we had journeys that took us deep into a sense of “home” in the body. I wonder what will arise here right on the other side of the fall equinox?
Come if you’re in need of meditation, healing, community or all three.
This weekend, I participated in a workshop with Endemic at Alderlore, Bonnitta Roy’s wonderful farm in CT. About twelve of us gathered to learn embodiment from the experts—the horses. These are some very special healers and medicine beings. As Bonnie said when we began, “Forget everything you’ve ever been told about how to be with horses.” Most horses have been treated so poorly or used without consent repeatedly that they develop sensitivities, even skittishness and what might look like neuroses, that are just ways of coping. Their natural sensitivity is a huge gift to us humans, but generally we don’t know how to interact with them, how to communicate body-to-body, heart-to-heart in ways the horses can read and respond to.
The horse that chose me was this beauty, Jhana. That she and I ended up working together was uncanny, actually. She is the mother of the herd and the oldest female. She was suffering that day from a hurt leg and we both had to find ways to be together that felt nurturing and healing. While many of the other horse-participant duos worked in more physically-demanding ways, Jhana and I fell into a subtle love fest. She shared her hurt with me and I shared with her what hurts in my life. The depth of relating and non-verbal communication was profound as I leaned into her vast capacity for mothering, care, and love. There was a genuine intimacy I have been longing for since I walked away from horseback riding as a child.
I want to thank Bonnitta Roy for her wisdom and masterful instruction, hospitality, and her capacity for pushing us to explore the edges of our perception. I feel transformed. When I returned home, I felt Jhana had gifted me with a new capacity for mothering in my own life. I believe this was felt by my daughter and my cat (both sensitive beings, as well). Mothering has been a journey for me—I didn’t expect to learn it from a horse. Makes you wonder what else we could be learning from the non-human world.
Hope to see you at meditation this week!
This is a pay-what-you-feel experience each week. Suggested donation is $10-20 for drop ins. Whatever you feel called to give is wonderful and appreciated. Contributions can be made here: Paypal: or Venmo: ElizabethSchuyler-Brown. Paid subscribers, you are already covered. Thank you.