Coming Home Tomorrow 9-10am EST ~ Second Week of Second Chakra
Join us for a talk and meditation on the sacral chakra...we'll go deep into the realm of attunement.
Dear friends,
I’ve had a big week with the second chakra—humbling in its intensity. So big in moments, I wondered if I could skillfully guide a meditation/process around it. Yesterday, I was in that question as I watched aspects of my complex surface from the depths. But, today I feel clear: I can do it. This is how my teaching tends to come through—it’s alive. Nothing is conceptual. Join me from 9-10am EST tomorrow morning. We’ll explore it together.
Here is what I’m learning about the symptoms that arise from an imbalance in the sacral chakra & the gifts that come from addressing and restoring these wounds…
The subtle energy body is a vast, interconnected organism so everything is multicausal. It’s been particularly challenging to disentangle what is root chakra and what is sacral chakra as they both have to do with an internalized sense of security, being cared for, having needs met, healthy limits, trust, and belonging.
The psyche and personality structures are complex…literally they are composed of complexes! Reality is what you make of it. Our early and persistent wounding influences how we navigate the world, what we feel is “normal” and what we experience as being “real.” As we heal, we have to call into question some deeply held assumptions about ourselves and the world. This can make it hard to see.
All trauma is collective. Even though I am shaped by my personal experiences and difficulties and grow/expand by integrating them; in a sense they can never be mine alone. They occur within an ancestral and cultural context. They occur within a relational field. We are all wounding each other and healing each other all the time.
What I am working with at the sacral chakra is the experience of feeling felt. I am asking myself the question frequently…Do I feel felt by the Universe? By the Mother? By other people? Do I feel I am held, cared for…that the Universe is attuned to my needs, feels where I am and how I am? Do I feel rocked in the arms of the Mother. Do I feel that Mother is feeling me? For me, the answer is often “no.” I’ve been working to restore my deep sense of being a child of the Universe, feeling felt in all moments. Without that…I feel…
Isolated, alone, lonely. For me, that grew into a kind of fierce independence and self-reliance. It has a voice that says, “I’ll do it myself!” It works me hard, works my fingers to the bone. It feels familiar, like my female ancestors also had this wound. We don’t feel felt by the Universe, do not trust that our needs matter or will be met unless we do it ourselves. It’s exhausting.
This, of course, can make it hard for me to trust collaboration or be comfortable in community. When I don’t feel felt, I feel isolated in my experience and like I have to take care of myself. I fear dependence and also intimacy. I don’t trust people who can’t feel me…and few people are very good at feeling each other these days. These are embodiment skills we are still developing.
Not feeling felt also led to a lifetime of seeking extreme sensation. I am trying to feel myself, in a way. This was much more the case in my youth, when I frequently put myself in dangerous and risky situations just to feel alive. But, even now I can feel myself overdoing it sometimes, not feeling satisfied, not knowing my limits.
There’s also a deep sense of anxiety that arises with root and sacral issues. Not feeling that rooted connection to the earth, to the stability of the ground of being within us and also not feeling the presence of unconditional love…this will obviously create anxiety and fear in the young nervous system. It is frequently the case when I am suffering that the source of my suffering is feeling afraid I won’t be cared for or I will be abandoned…I feel a big pressure to take care of myself, which is not how the Universe wants us to work. Interdependence is our birthright. Independence is a symptom of trauma.
The last symptom I want to name with the second chakra and not feeling felt has been a deep need for physical touch, physical intimacy, skin hunger. I need affection. My nervous system gets very strung out without hugs, without closeness. Of course, this is natural to some degree, but I can feel how it’s coming from a bit of scarcity in me. This is something I want to heal.
So, I am learning to heal this chakra and learning to become more interdependent, more trusting, more collective in my orientation, more comfortable in my skin. What I have begun to experience is profound relief. I am beginning to glimpse the incredible gifts of a healed and whole second chakra. When I experience it…
I feel felt.
I feel my needs; I feel that they matter and they will be addressed.
I feel like an integral part of a living, thriving ecosystem.
I feel my own desires.
I feel safe within community.
I trust I will be cared for. I feel cared for.
I understand satisfaction. I know my limits and when they are met, I can feel that I am satisfied.
I feel there is more than enough to go around (abundance).
I feel comfortable in my skin (even when I am suffering or uncomfortable I know the Universe cares and wants me to feel better, like a Good Mother)
I feel clear and confident about my wants and desires.
Join me tomorrow to see if we can feel some of this together. I look forward to seeing and feeling you!