EVENT Tuesday Night! The Art of Embodied Conversation with Schuyler and David ~ How to Work with Anger
An invitation to an original relating ritual with two master empaths
Dear Friends,
On Tuesday, September 6, from 6-8pm EST, David Sauvage and I will engage in a deeply embodied and emergent conversational ritual we call The Art of Embodied Conversation. This will be the fourth in the series and the topic this time is: How to Work with Anger.
Our intention: To bring through wisdom about how we humans can better feel and express anger in these times.
You must register in advance to attend. The event runs from 6-8pm and we request that attendees arrive on time and stay for the duration. We will be closing the container at 6:05pm.
Anger has been very alive for me recently. I have been working with my own relationship to this powerful emotion. David has been my guide and helper on the journey. We decided the process might benefit many people if we shared some of it publicly. If you are curious or want to look at your own relationship to anger, please consider joining us.
A Little Background on The Art of Embodied Conversation
This is the fourth in a series David and I started in May. Our process is that we create sacred space, invite the audience into presence, and then David and I go into a subtle state of relating where we open up to emergent wisdom and sacred insight. We set a clear intention, but we do not know where the conversation will go. We follow what is most alive. We listen deeply, feel deeply, and receive. We trust what comes…and we cannot know what will happen. Afterwards we hold small sharing circles for anyone who wants to process what came through.
The first Art of Embodied Conversation was on the masculine and feminine. In that session we both owned behaviors that inhibit a healthy relating: we saw how sometimes men willingly and knowingly give the work of emotional labor to women so they can get on with “more important” things. And how women can be punishing and derisive at precisely the moment men open up to express vulnerability or take responsibility for their actions.
The second was on money & fear. In that session we had to face the fact that we—collectively—choose money and making money over the wellbeing of our children in this economic system. We came to this realization by being fully in the pain David experienced as a child as his mother chose work over his care and how I have done the same to my own daughter...feeling powerless in the process.
The third session was a live, in-person gathering in Austin right around the time of the Emerge Conference. There we asked what we need to know now about emergence as a practice. What arose was beautiful and totally unexpected: David held space while I channeled GAIA, Mother Earth. Earth wanted us to know that she is trying to speak to us, trying to help us through these times. She shared with us the message that we need to remember how to relate to the Natural world and its sentience. We have to listen and receive her wisdom as a foundation for emergence.
All of them have been beautiful and enlightening. This one will surely be, too.
A lot has transpired since our last session. Most notably, both of us have developed a deeper understanding of the importance of this work of creating sacred space for emergence. Our commitment has been strengthened and our vision for how this fits into the bigger context of culture change is clearer. What felt originally like an experiment now feels like THE WAY. I wonder if you’re feeling that, too?
Check out David’s incredible interview with Daniel Thorson on the Emerge Podcast. They get into emergence and the future of collective decision making.
You can also check out the download I got and wrote down at 4am one morning in July with some clear imperatives about the future and emergence. Here is an excerpt:
Emergence will require enormous sacrifice and surrender. “You can’t have any stake in the game.” (These were the words I received.) We will need to be detached from the systems and concerns of the previous model/culture. We have to be healed enough. This will take courage and surrender. Multiple ego deaths, too. We will need to rely on each other in ways that are at first uncomfortable. Eventually, we will remember how to give and receive.
If you’d like to read a little more about the format for these events, you can find my description here in a post . Here is the most important part:
What we are doing here is coming into a state of full embodied presence together, which opens access to a subtle state that we can both inhabit; opening a portal into a subtle dimension. Subtle realms are different. They operate at a different rhythm and even have different physics. In these subtle states, we have access to incredible amounts of information, and we receive and process this information real time in our bodies, minds, and through our emotions. We use communication to enter and hold a shared state of reality, a collective field. Our words have more meaning, we use fewer of them, we feel a lot. What we are sensing is sometimes personal, but more often, it is arising in the intersubjective field or coming from the collective consciousness. When we open ourselves in this subtle state, we are likely to receive intuitive and emotional intelligence from parts of ourselves that want to be seen, known, and healed or brought into wholeness. Entering the subtle realms requires the ability to simultaneously hold a sense of selfhood and the ability to surrender the self to a collective or shared awareness.
When you are within this field you are a part of what’s happening and you know it. You will feel it. You may receive intuitive information and insight that can aid your own healing, or the collective’s. If you are not experiencing the field, you may feel nothing. You may think our conversation is simplistic or strange. It might not make sense. Perhaps you will experience being in it and then dropping out of the field. It might be an inconsistent experience for you. You may feel triggered by any or all of this. That’s valid and important. You may also feel deeply connected, less alone, attuned to something sacred, part of a process that is greater than any one of us.
This brings us to the framing of a ritual. We see this space we’re creating as sacred. All who attend are invited into sacred space. Together we will enter the mystery through the embodied conversation David and I are having. Roughly, it will look like this:
Opening check in (chat enabled)
David and Schuyler open sacred space/subtle sensing (chat disabled)
David and Schuyler do deep healing work through embodied relating on the topic (chat disabled)
David and Schuyler close the ritual healing space (chat enabled)
We open breakout rooms for anyone who wants to process and share about their experience (optional)
Full group reconvenes and we chat and close (chat enabled)
We are all playing a role in this: the role of ritualists/conversants will be held by David and me. The role of the field, the witness, the collective, community, will be held by all who feel called to join us. Everyone’s part is essential.
A final note about all rituals and this one we’re offering: we cannot know what will happen…things will arise that we are unprepared for. This is the nature of opening the doors to the sacred, and this is the nature of experiments! We are both extremely experienced and capable facilitators, but we are also still learning. We will explore the unknown together—this is what we can promise!
This is for you if you are interested in:
relating practices and healing in relationship
healing personal and collective trauma
the future of emotional intelligence
subtle states of consciousness
friendship and community; the evolution of culture
collective presence and intelligence
birthing a witnessing capacity in the world
We hope you will consider joining us and please forward to anyone you know who is exploring these themes. We know there is a growing number of us and we’d love to share our work with kindred spirits. Come. Let’s experience the Sacred together.