Fall Course ~ Fierce Love ~ Initiation Into the Sacred Heart
It's been a while...I have something special to share. I hope you'll join me.
Dear Friends,
I’ve decided to offer a virtual fall course that will take us into the Sacred Heart together as we explore the healing power of LOVE. It will be transformational, deep, alchemical, mystical, and real. It will be a crucible.
This course is for you if:
you’re ready to open your heart to more of life, to more love
you feel ready to engage in spiritual activism—prayer, building fields of coherence, making offerings, being in loving, honest and radical relationship with other humans
you’d like to offer your gifts to the world and feel received doing so
you’re ready to transmute pain, shadow, fear and shame—in yourself, your family system, and the world—into love
you’re ready to experience the frequency of love/heart directly and incorporate it into your practice and life
Do you ever miss the ritual of a weekly worship with kindred spirits? I do! This Fierce Love course will be a virtual space to gather through the winter. We will presence and center the Sacred each Sunday, and pray together for peace and healing in the world NOW. We will build a mandala together where we bring our hearts each Sunday for nourishment, wisdom, and company as we enter the darkest time of the year.
I will introduce a sacred text on the heart and/or Love each week. We will investigate these scriptures, poems, and prayers together seeking to uncover timeless wisdom. Here are some that I’ve worked with myself and I look forward to sharing. You may have something to share, too:
The Heart Sutra - Prajnaparamita Sutta
Corinthians 13
The Second Freedom - The Nine Freedoms
Love Poems of the Sufis
Carl Jung’s Red Book
Bell Hooks’ All About Love
The Gnostic Gospels - Gospel of Mary (Magdalene)
The course will run for eight Sundays from 12-2pm EST. Here are the dates. You can attend sessions live (recommended) or watch recordings:
November 3, 10, 17
December 1, 8, 15, 29
January 5
We will also hold two Thursday evening (7-8pm EST) drop-in sessions where folks can join for deeper conversations about the course content and to ask questions. These will be scheduled on an as-desired basis when topics or sessions need expansion.
If there is interest, I will consider holding an in-person event on the same topic in the Spring of 2024. This course would be an amazing prelude to that.
Course Fee: $240
If you have any questions, please contact me directly at schuyler@artofemergence.com.
NOTE: For me to turn my inspiration and life force towards this, I need for it to be financially nourishing. I will need a minimum of 15 people to sign up at the course fee of $240 to make this something that actually supports my household. If you want it to happen, encourage friends to join!
This is an invitation to a direct experience of divine union and pure presence…
More than a course where we take in a lot of information or learn a lot of practices (both of which we will do), this is a transmission of the healing power of Love; an actual deepening of your Soul into Life.Â
It’s an initiation into the wisdom of the Heart and a healing experience of Self in the presence of Kindred Others. It’s an invitation to awaken your senses, your gifts, and your connection to your soul’s work. It’s a place of prayer and meditation, movement, rest, emotional intelligence, story weaving, healing, and magic. It’s a collaboration with Earth and the elements; a space of creativity, abundant with answers.
This is an invitation to laugh and cry and feel very deeply; to find childlike curiosity and wonder again; to remember your dreams; to open your heart; and be a being that can hold the world.
The world needs us to do this work together now—to bring more LOVE into the world.
This is the antidote to the culture of control and conformity that dominates and tells us what to think and who we can and can’t be. This is a space beyond the patriarchy where balance is already restored.Â
In this course, we will:
Explore diverse spiritual traditions and heart-centered practices from around the world—each session will be centered around a different sacred heart expression: sutra, scripture, poetry and art
Engage in communal prayer and offerings to the Land and Higher Powers—we will make mandalas on our own time, but also make offerings and collective altars together
Cultivate the embodied experience of self-love, love for others, metta/maitri, agape and Eros/Shakti
Find group coherence and bathe in the medicine that arises when we come into full presence together around the sacred fire