Final Cultural Embodiment Session of the Year! Come Feel Your Own Life and Times ~ Friday, December 30, 4-6pm EST
Join me for a virtual year-end integration and seed planting session for 2023
Dear Friends,
I feel a calling to gather, to share, to review together the year we’ve just lived and plant seeds of hope and inspiration for the new year on the horizon. Do you feel that, too? Come join me!
The invitation is open to all. If you’ve attended my teachings and sessions in the past, great—I would love to share this ritual with you. If not, come anyway! Let’s get to know each other. Perhaps we have work or play together in 2023!
All I ask is that if you do want to attend, you register below and plan to arrive on time and stay as long as you can. I understand it’s a busy time of year, but this is will be a beautiful and beneficial investment in yourself and each other as we consciously integrate the lessons of the past year and set a tone for the 2023 we wish to have. There will be a natural “arc” to the process as we move from past to present to future.
Here’s the basic offering:
An opening review by me of the collective cultural experience—highlights and lowlights, we will walk through the year together feeling as we go
A guided meditation to ground us and take us inwards to the heart—opening to receive the full wisdom of our own experience and our deepest desires
A personal end-of-year review through our photo libraries! Have your phone handy. We will spend time together, each of us reviewing from January 2022 to now…seeking those impressions, memories, and seminal moments that made this year one to integrate and remember. We will us the photo review to generate a theme for the year and a precise feeling about the lessons and gifts it brought. Gratitude will be the guiding light. Grief will be welcomed.
We will share in small groups once or twice
We will gather items for a small altar to the coming year
Together we will call on the elements to help us clear space for the new and invite in what we most desire
We will witness each other and be witnessed (if this calls to you, or you can participate more passively or privately - up to you!)
Some of you know my cultural embodiment practice where we feel into the culture together to make sense of what is happening through the body and emotions, not just the mind. The same principles apply here—only our stimulus, the “culture” we will be embodying, is our own life.
I know for myself…sometimes life seems to come at me so quickly I can’t fully savor it or integrate the lessons. Or maybe I check out of key experiences with my loved ones or don’t fully appreciate the bounty I am graced with. Parenting is a good example: there are weeks when I can become minutely focused on the logistics and details of school drop off and after-school activities and buying supplies and getting homework done…In the moment I slow down or “wake up” I see my child fully again and feel her growing right before my eyes. I also feel myself growing in service to this magnificent being and I want to weep for the sheer beauty of it. My heart wants me to feel my life more fully. Does yours?
My hope is that we will all leave feeling complete with 2022 and open to what 2023 has to offer. I also hope we have FUN and learn something about ourselves. I will facilitate a space that supports individual process, but really holds our collective experience and wisdom, too. We can help each other feel this life more fully.
This session is offered as a gift. It is free. If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out. Also, please feel free to share this with anyone you think might enjoy or benefit from the practice. The more the merrier!
Hope to see you on the 30th. Happy holidays!
Looking forward to it!