Gather the Women : Future Blueprints
Do you want to be a part of a women's innovation circle? Read on!
Dear Friends,
If you are a regular reader of this Substack then you may have noticed something working it’s way through me into the world. It started with posts about leaving my hermitage phase to rejoin the world (Re-Emergence Essay 1 and Essay 2). It moved into a meditation on coherence and the role I’ve envisioned for myself as a Chief Coherence Officer (Coherence: It’s Not a Process, It’s a Field, Part 1 and Part 2). And now, the next chapter of the book seems to be writing itself…
Gather the Women is taking a new shape as a practice, dare I say…an organization…designed to help women receive, articulate, and manifest divinely-inspired ideas into the world. It’s time to give birth to the future that’s waiting for us!
Over the past few years, I’ve had the privilege of working with women 1:1 who have received revelation and downloads for companies, products, and innovations from higher sources. The source for each of them was different: a goddess, God, nature spirits, angels, higher self, future beings, extraterrestrials…
My openness and personal experience with the fluidity between worlds probably helped them feel safe—even excited—to share these experiences with me. They brought me these ideas in confidence because they were so far out and so seemingly "crazy" that they were afraid to share them with others. When I heard them, I knew immediately the ideas were the farthest thing from crazy—they were SANE...just NEW and beyond the current paradigm.
It’s been an honor and a blessing to witness the beauty of inspiration flowing through women. It’s given me HOPE. I know we’re going to make it because I feel the help we’re getting; the divine guidance coming through these “impossible” ideas and blueprints for the future.
The women I have spoken to have described having “downloads” of great force and certainty; a sense that a vision has been entrusted to them. It’s often something they know very little about—which allows them to hold it without ego or expectations; a real “beginner’s mind” approach to creation.
I know this feeling because Gather the Women is my own download. I received it in 2021 as a command: "Gather the women!" At that time, I felt the force and power of what was being entrusted to me, but I didn't know how or to what end. I asked and asked, but Spirit didn't have more to say at that time. I had to start walking, moving, collaborating and inviting other women into experiences. I had to gather women over and over again, which I have done and will continue to do.
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve received more explicit instruction. I hope you’ll give it a read and if it resonates, let me know! Or pass it along to a woman you know. I am looking for women (and men - we need you as allies) to help bring this to life.
Right now, the timeline is flexible. Everything is flexible. It may be strange to share an idea at this stage of un-development, but I am feeling clear that now is the time. There is an instruction here that is for all of us: something new about the way we source creative inspiration and innovation. It’s an open source kind of download. I think you’ll get it if you read. Don’t worry too much about the content or HOW it will work…just see what it inspires in you. And let me know if you realize something or have an idea! Email me:
What follows is a pretty pure transcription of the download—with some edits for clarity. Thank you!
Introducing Gather the Women!
Gather the Women is a think tank, incubator, and venture fund that empowers women to bring forth and manifest divinely inspired innovations. We create sacred space to support women receiving guidance and intuitive inspiration from higher realms. We gather to usher in a rapid transition to a new way of life on Earth–one that is centered in the heart’s capacity for love, healing, mutual-thriving, peace, and inclusion.
We call our process Guided Innovation because the ideas and visions we tend come from a higher thoughtform; from sacred guides, from the future our hearts are calling in. They exist in a paradigm beyond the limited worldview that we're currently stuck in--the one that has been dominant for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. In the current paradigm, so much innovation arises out of ego, as a result of strategic thinking, or as a trauma response: fear-based, greed-based, power-hungry. We create a space outside of this paradigm where women gather to receive direct transmission of innovation, new ideas, new technologies, through the heart. This work is post-patriarchal, post-capitalism. You might call these ideas miracles.
Ultimately, Gather the Women is a think tank in that we download and refine ideas gifted to us from higher thoughtforms. It is an incubator in the way we find ways to bring these ideas into active manifestation. And it is a venture fund in the sense that we will be exploring new ways to finance and support women who are receiving divinely-guided inspiration so they can continue to do this essential job on the planet now!
What kinds of ideas are we looking for?
The ideas we seek and nurture at Gather the Women often seem impossible at first because they exist outside the current paradigm. For this reason, they might be dismissed by traditional channels of innovation and funding. Women who receive these “lightning bolt” ideas are often reluctant to share them for a couple of good reasons: 1) their sacred and unseen origin can feel precious, intimate, holy–impossible to justify with statistics and facts; and 2) the world can be cruel to dreamers.
Though daunting, these ideas are also wonderfully alive! They’ll give you goosebumps when you really begin to see the fractal nature of what they call forth. They may require new technologies, materials, or practices that don’t yet exist; they might require a change in policy; or problem-solving that encourages cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary exchange. They don't just open up "new markets" but create portals to new ways of being and seeing things. They break down silos. They are enlightening. These ideas build themselves through us and in that process, we are changed. We become the people who can make these innovations work–this is the Universe conspiring for our evolution.
Guided Innovation is a group experience. It takes a collective field to receive these ideas because they are so new, so full of energy--no ONE intellect or personality could grasp their vast, multiform nature. We gather to receive these ideas and instructions through our bodies, hearts, intuition, subtle senses; and we vet them through our array of practical, lived experience and reason. We rely on the wisdom of the group to refine the transmission, gather details, and keep us honest. The group field reduces the potential for constriction, conditioning, and limited vision to interrupt or influence us. There is no egoic sense of ownership, but there are boundaries, clarity, and true accountability and responsibility.
It takes courage and commitment, sure. It also takes community--we need each other to do this. We are guided by Love and Intuition into the future we want to see for all of earth's children including non-human beings. One of our mantras for inspiring momentum and not getting stuck is: Stop worrying. Start walking. Keep walking.
How we will start
First and foremost, we will honor the Sacred, honor Life. We will light the sacred fire and orient ourselves to the Divine. Our gatherings to receive transmission will include ritual and reverence. We will pray and make offerings. We will remember how to gather as women from the deepest place in our hearts. We will be working on ourselves to decondition all we’ve internalized about intuition and inspiration from coming of age in a patriarchal, materialist paradigm.
We will start with a small circle or cohort. The initial circle will be composed of myself, a few convening partners, and a few women who have received these transmissions of Guided Innovation. We will work together to refine a process and principles. We will start by coming into coherence with each other and with the frequency of the heart. Within this field, we will begin to listen, open to inspiration and make ourselves vessels for Divine Guidance from/for the future.
We will listen to each woman share her experience and imaginings. We will ask Spirit for more information and we will use all the tools we have to identify actions and aspects of the project that might help bring it into form. We will look for doable next steps. We will hold each other through moments of doubt or overwhelm or confusion. We will ground the light.
We will disperse and take action. We will practice refining our subtle sensing. We will reconvene and listen and update and hold each other accountable. We will meet monthly to start. We will nurture each other into becoming true artists.
Even when we can't see the path, we trust the way will appear as we walk. We find practical next steps to take on our projects at every gathering. We solicit feedback and reassurance from each other AND from divine sources. We recognize that the world is alive and speaking to us. We listen.
What we are doing is putting ourselves in SERVICE to the Divine, to the Future. We are acting and gathering in service and we are supporting each other as a service.
When the circle is ready to grow or members want to step in or step out, we allow for that fluidity.
We will strive for precision, integrity, sincerity, and truth in our relating and creation.
Why just women?
Well, the simple truth is that that's how it came to me. My mandate was to gather the women. I trust there is a reason for this. What I believe is that women gathering and refining a process for innovation is an antidote to the masculine-dominant way of creating and manifesting that has characterized the patriarchy. There is something effective and exuberant about this old way, but where we're going requires the feminine to take her rightful place (again) in the act of creation. We need to restore the balance. To do this, women need sacred space to hold each other through the process and act of creation. This is what I believe right now. This view might change over time.
For now, women need to gather to listen to what is being called forward in us as creators and leaders into this New Earth. In order to do this, we need to feel free and safe in the act of expressing our creative vision and inspiration and intuition. This has not been the case for many women for a long time. Our intuition has been dismissed and ignored. Our ideas have been ignored or stolen. Our voices have been silenced. Our bodies have not been safe. Every woman knows these pitfalls in leadership and innovation for women. It’s time to practice new ways of innovating and expressing our heart’s knowing. Putting down the baggage will take time and practice.
Gather the Women is moving beyond this old situation to create space for something totally new to take shape. We need support and allies as we do this. Women and men both can be tremendous allies. What we need from our allies right now is protection, support, steadiness, encouragement! We need the means to bring these ideas to fruition in the current paradigm. This will require collaboration in the form of financial resources, door-opening and networking, and quarterbacking (for lack of a better term). We don't need guidance...that is already coming from our hearts and intuition. We are divinely guided. We need men and other allies to listen and say, "how can I help?"
How it might work…
How it works is still a work in progress. This manifesto is an invitation to any woman who:
Has received one of these inspired downloads and feels called to share her vision and find a way to bring it into manifestation
Has the gift of mediumship or prophesy that she would like to practice, refine, and put into service to help other women
Feels ready to step into a new paradigm of collective innovation and collaboration with Spirit to create a heart-centered future
Has practical expertise to offer around the way the world works–business, science, technology, politics, healing, social sciences–but is not tied to the old ways to doing and seeing things; has been looking for sisters to explore the edges with
Has financial resources she has been looking to invest in the sacred emergence of a future that will benefit our children, our planet, all sentient beings
The ideas we are already being gifted by Spirit are truly new advances not incremental improvements on the current paradigm. They require us to take a leap of faith...more than that, they are helping us take a quantum leap! An evolutionary leap!
And yet, the very fact that they are coming into our hearts NOW tells us that they are ready and ripe: it is time. The New Earth might feel impossible or unattainable currently because it is impossible from where we're standing and from this state. Through these visions, Spirit is giving us the keys, the codes, the building blocks, and the way forward. When we move on them, we move into a state of expanded possibility, and find higher vantage points. By making these "impossible" things happen, we are building the bridge. We move ourselves closer to the New Earth.
If you have received a vision or transmission that rocked your body and your world, that lit up your heart, but you haven't known how to do it or who to share it with...come share with us. We are currently accepting applications for Gather the Women cohorts. Our first cohort has spots left for two new ideas/women/channels. If we receive enough interest, we may convene additional circles this fall. Please write with any thoughts or questions this has inspired. We look forward to gathering with you!
If this calls to you, please send me a note to share what you feel is resonant. In the coming weeks I will share more as I receive responses from you and from my own guides. Blessings!