Gatherings (Online) + Links
Join me for my regular weekly Coming Home Meditation on Tuesday morning and for the new Sacred Heart Women's Gathering on Thursday night
Dear Friends,
I’ve been in awe this week at the intensity of that eclipse portal. So much came up for me and for loved ones: health issues, trips to the hospital, arguments, shadow dynamic revelations, and integrations. The energy seems to be calming now, but if you’re like me, maybe you could use some replenishment in a loving, well-held communal space of contemplation and restoration. Here are two options for you this week:
Tuesday from 9-10am EST is my regular Coming Home meditation. This is a really special experience if you haven’t attended. We spend the first 30 minutes in a group share space—anyone who feels called to share what’s alive for them is welcome to do so. We listen deeply and build on themes that are emerging. Then, I take us into a 30-minute, guided meditation where we bask in the collective medicine we’ve generated. It’s one of the most compassionate and nourishing ways you can start your day. I promise. Give it a try tomorrow!
Thursday from 8-9:30pm EST is our first Sacred Heart gathering online for women. This is for women and will be a weekly drop-in space for sitting together in the frequency of the Sacred Heart. We will invite and invoke the energies of this psychic center, this sanctum sanctorum, and remember our wholeness in the living, loving awareness of a sisterhood. I don’t yet know exactly how these gatherings will go, because I trust they will evolve and become exactly what we need — “we” being whoever shows up. I know we will sit in meditation together. I know we will offer a prayer. And I know there will be space for sharing, but beyond that…silence? singing? movement? breath? poetry? Anything is possible.
Both of these events are donation-based. Suggested donation is $15-20 per session. All donations are appreciated and no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Also, all events are free to my paid subscribers. So, if you plan on coming to either event, you might consider upgrading your subscription to paid here:
Some of you have reached out to enquire about my upcoming online healing journey. It’s for men and women. I still have spots left, but if you want to know more or register, reach out ASAP.
We will meet 8 Sundays from 12-2pm EST from roughly May 5-June 30. All sessions will be recorded in case you have to miss one.
Each class, we will:
Discuss a topic related to ensoulment, healing, evolution or awakening
Share a group meditation
Spend an hour working through individual process (each week we will take 2-3 volunteers) and liberating energy
Close with a prayer circle
This course is for those serious about their evolutionary journey. We will go deep.
You can find a detailed description of the offering here. Contact me at to sign up or for more details.