Dear Friends,
Wishing you a wonderful close to 2024 and opening to 2025! I’m so grateful for your presence here at the Art of Emergence. Thank you for receiving my writing, art, meditations, mandalas, poems, and prayers this year with your curiosity, love, and financial support. Thank you for being my community and friends. Thank you for making all of this worth it.
My biggest joy this year was the deepening of the relationships and conversations that this journey of expansion and awakening has generated. I feel like I’ve gotten to know many of you better and the more I know of you and the more of you I know—the more love and hope I feel in my heart. We are an army of love, we’re in this together, we’re resourced beyond our wildest dreams, the angels are on our side, we got this.
We got this.
Way back in the dark ages of 2018, I facilitated a day-long visioning retreat at a place in New York City called The Assemblage. About 30 luminaries and great thinkers were present. We were gathered (I can’t recall by whom) to find some solutions to the various inter-related problems bearing down on humanity. I’m not even sure we were calling it “the metacrisis,” yet.
We listened to great speakers—Daniel Schmachtenberger, Charles Eisenstein, and Daniel Pinchbeck gave the keynotes—debated, ideated, and socialized all day. At the end of the session, I got out the giant post-it notes (as a facilitator does) and asked everyone to write down a thought they were leaving with. My wise friend, David Sauvage, who never minces words and has a knack for nailing the most salient thing present in the room, wrote…
The future is here and we’re not ready.
I will never forget finding this post-it note in the middle of all the others filled with hubristic and sincere solutions and suggestions. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Oh shit, I thought, he’s right.
In the years since then we’ve weathered COVID and the dawn of AI; wars and environmental catastrophes; political upheaval beyond our imaginings (at least, here in the U.S.). The future is here, indeed. Whether we like it, or not. The thing is…I can feel us finding a relationship to it that feels like a new kind of readiness. I started to really feel it kick in after the election in November—believe it, or not. There was a surrender that happened when Trump won. Not a white flag surrender, but the end of resisting what’s inevitable and maybe even destined. I know many of you felt it, too, after the feelings (upset, grief, outrage, rage and shock…) cleared, there was a kind of roll-up-your-sleeves pragmatism that descended on those of us rooting for and working towards a New Earth, a new way of living together in peace on this great planet, a new era…a golden age. It felt sobering. It felt adult. It felt grounded. It even felt hopeful. And damn it if it didn’t feel GOOD.
So, whatever 2025 throws at us, let’s just imagine that we’re ready. I feel ready. I offer you the gift of a video made by my beloved (I helped); and an affirmation that I’ve been working with daily. Take any of it that works for you (I borrowed one of the lines from the daily affirmation of Quincy Jones, rest his soul) or make up your own!
Happy new year and thank you from the bottom of my Sacred Heart! 🔥❤️🌎
DAILY AFFIRMATION (can be offered as an "I" or a "We")
I am in a process of expansion.
I am a vessel for light.
I am clear about my path.
Even THIS is my path.
I have perfect intuition (thank you, Quincy)
I am an embodiment of Love.
Service is my highest purpose.
My art is my offering.
I am open to receive all that is coming my way.
Welcoming in the New Age
Am AI transmutation video by Ari Kuschnir (and friends, including yours truly). A reminder of the importance of IMAGINATION in the battle between the light and dark forces. We have to imagine what we wish to happen! AI can really be a helpful tool in the reclamation of imagination—or it can be used to atrophy and suppress what imaginative abilities we have left.
Transmission: Under this Roof
Under this roof, we are... Generating the fire of fierce love and the open-heartedness (bodhichitta) these times require! Offering our respect and light to this Goddess, Earth, who holds us like the patient mama she is! Opening to the guidance and help being offered from cosmic masters, angels, boddhisattvas, and worlds of wisdom beyond ours! Finding our boundaries where it comes to delusion and lies and holding them strong! Seeking a state of belonging, and the courage to do the hard work of community-building, inclusion and integration! Creating what’s in our hearts and amplifying alchemical art! Reclaiming and elevating, de-colobizing and sublimating, our imaginations! Praying for peace on Earth! Under this roof we seek: Simplicity. Clarity. Compassion. Empathy. All are welcome under this roof!
Last Word…
As regular readers will know, I have done a lot of work this year with money, money wounds, and transparency around money—the transmutation of money is an ongoing topic and one I will definitely carry into 2025 and beyond. To this end, I would like to invite any of you who have the means and who feel called to support my work to upgrade to a paid subscription or offer my newsletter as a gift to a like-minded friend. It would be gratefully received and it really does make a difference. Having more financial security liberates me to create!