Insights from Our Embodied Conversation About Money + Video for Paid Subscribers
Dear Friends,
On Tuesday evening last week, David Sauvage and I went into a subtle state trance together and asked the higher powers and subtle realms:
“What do we need to know about money during this time of transition.”
The answers we got were unexpected, powerful, and illuminating. We had no idea what would come or how it would feel. There is a lot of trauma in the world around money, poverty, and greed. I was concerned that we might be called to swim in that muck; be asked to really dive deep into the trauma field that is our collective relationship to money.
Indeed, we did swim in that collective trauma field, only what we learned about it was revelatory and ultimately quite simple and…I can’t believe I am saying this…simple to fix, easy to heal. We both enjoyed this Art of Embodied Conversation very much and days later, we are both still integrating and reveling in the deep nourishment it provided.
Because the sessions are best experienced live, we are sharing the video in a limited way to those who registered for the event and those who are paid subscribers. However, if you are neither of those and you have a genuine interest in healing the money wound or understanding more about the collective field of distortion that money has us in, please let me know. We can send you a link.
I will summarize a few of the key insights that were revealed to us. I want to do it without ruining the experience of watching the conversation unfold spontaneously, as it did, between us. The beauty and magic of the revelation is best experienced real-time…it’s almost like the pay off is strongest if you are willing to sit in the confusion and uncertainty of the first part of the vision, as we did. Something about the way it all came into focus gradually was perfect and beautiful in its own right. So, if you don’t want it spoiled, watch it for yourself. Otherwise, read on!
The Cascade of Insights
Within minutes of entering subtle world, David was feeling blissful joy and saw a little girl. She was about 6-7 years old, smiling, carefree, and wanted to play with us. She seemed amused by our commitment to figuring out this money question. At first I thought she might be very naïve, not yet in the awareness and accompanying anxiety about money, responsibility, and the weight of the world. But David investigated further and found that no, she wasn’t “before” money…she was “post-money.” She was from the future—a future without money.
The girl wanted to show us this world beyond money…our potential future. But, as we tried to enter more deeply into her reality, I began to feel burdened by something weighty. It felt like scarring, or a “mark” from some drastic experience. I identified the mark as grief. The girl indicated that she was willing to hear about the grief, to hold space for us. We accepted that invitation and sat down with her. Then, David and I began to feel into the heavy stuff. It felt good to be held by the future as we did so.
To summarize, we both began to receive images of war, battle, chaos, dystopian images of a kind of apocalyptic nature. At first I feared that these were images of the impending doom that seems nearly unavoidable at this point. But, it was confusing because though I could see the images clearly and sensed the horror, they also felt distant, vague, and somewhat abstracted from direct experience…like a movie. After much searching around by both of us, we determined that they were movies! This part of the journey revealed to us the scrim of dystopia and horror that the entertainment industry feeds us, regurgitating human suffering to make money at the box office. We saw how there is a beautiful future waiting for humanity, but we’re being brainwashed by movies, television, games and other forms of violence and literally, cannot see it. It’s a seduction.
We worked through some of David’s rage here. Then he received a strong message about human sacrifice. He saw images of these acts throughout history. As horrible as this was and easy to pass off as “the past,” the message was: it’s still happening. This part of the journey showed us that we are still sacrificing humans to propitiate the gods, only the old gods have been replaced by a money god. Then we sat with all of the ways we daily sacrifice humans to the god of money.
It became clear that this demonic entity, this gluttonous, greedy beast has taken the throne, is harvesting all of the worship of money we do every day. David received the message that worship is innate to the human spirit and we never stop doing it. He saw that the myth of secularized society is a distraction, a ruse, propagated by this money god, Mammon, to distract us from the horrible truth: Money is harvesting our desire to worship and telling us a false story about the secularization of society. We’re in a religious cult that sacrifices people to the god of money.
We both felt tremendous relief to be in touch with Reality, to see through the scrims, the mass hypnosis. But, we also wanted to ask what to do about it. The answer we received was that we need to stop worshipping this Mammon immediately. We need to unseat him—which didn’t actually feel all that hard. He’s not super motivated or fierce, just unmoving, lazy, and stagnant like Jabba the Hut. How to unseat him? We need to PRAY. Together.
So, we prayed together. I felt the way was for each of us to be in touch with that sincere devotion within us and then direct it towards that which we most adore, that which is worthy of praise. For each of us, that might be something different: a god, a goddess, Nature, a tree, a quality like love, the Cosmos, God, or Life itself…restoring that connection to Source, to the entities in the Universe that are deserving of such praise. This felt like the key.
So, that’s what we learned about money during this time of transition.