Join Us on January 18 from 6-8pm EST for The Art of Embodied Conversation VI ~ Divine Feminine!
David Sauvage and I engage in the next edition of our ongoing series and this time we invite the power of the Divine Feminine to show us the way.
Dear Friends,
On Wednesday evening from 6-8pm EST, David Sauvage and I will once again explore together in the subtle realms in the art of embodied conversation. If you’d like to join us, please register below. We will be starting promptly at 6pm and virtual doors will close at 6:05 to maintain the integrity of the container. The event is pay whatever you want.
If you’ve never seen us do this, here is a brief description:
The Art of Embodied Conversation is an original relating ritual developed by Schuyler and David. We set a clear intention for a completely emergent conversation, then come into a state of full embodied presence together. This opens a portal to a subtle realm. In this state, we have access to vast amounts of subtle information and wisdom. We receive and process this information realtime in our bodies, minds, and through our emotions. We use communication and resonance to find our way to the greatest truth available to us on the topic. We follow what is most alive. We listen, feel deeply, and receive. We trust what comes.
Together we will enter the mystery—this time on the Divine Feminine. Roughly, it will look like this:
Welcome, introduction of the topic, presence meditation
David and Schuyler open sacred space/subtle sensing (chat disabled)
David and Schuyler do deep healing work through embodied relating, fulfilling the intention and seeking healing, helpful truth
David and Schuyler close the ritual healing space (chat enabled)
We open breakout rooms or stay in the larger group to hear some shares about the experience
A note about all rituals and this one we’re offering: we cannot know in advance what will happen…things will arise that we are unprepared for. This is the nature of opening the doors to the sacred, and this is the nature of experiments! We are both extremely experienced and capable facilitators, but we are also still learning. We will explore the unknown together—this is what we can promise!
Number Six—The Divine Feminine
In our last ritual, our guide was a young girl who took us into a future beyond money. We were struck by how healing the journey was and how she was radiating a very advanced empathy, peace, and care. We were also moved by the insightful comments afterwards from multiple women. The feminine energies were alive and flowing and it generated a desire in both David and me to request Her presence and wisdom directly…to actually focus a ritual on Her. So, we came to this intention:
A full and true experience of the divine feminine
There are so many ways this could go. The Divine Feminine is ineffable, multidimensional, ungraspable, and has thousands of forms. When we held an art of embodied conversation event in Austin, Texas this summer I unexpectedly channeled GAIA while David held space. It was very intense and incredible to experience. Everyone in attendance was blessed with Her presence. I have a feeling GAIA will be with us again as She is very active of late.
I’ve also had multiple dreams featuring a maiden who was introduced to me as my next teacher. She has demonstrated for me (in the dream world) a depth of patient, grounded feminine wisdom I’ve never experienced in an embodied female teacher in the waking state. She also seems to be “from the future.” My understanding from mystical teachings is that once we create the “structures” (physical, social, energetic) suitable for Her, the Divine Feminine will emerge once again in Her full radiance and mysterious wisdom. Our intention on Wednesday is to create such a structure…one built for Her and in honor of Her magnificence. We will hold it and hold it tightly.
What this will not be is a conversation ABOUT the feminine. It will not be a matter of ideas, theories, or politics. We will not point a finger at the moon. It will be a direct experience of Her. That is what we are aiming for. The Feminine is the energy of connection; the energy that moves us towards wholeness, healing; that gives birth to form through cycles. It is luminous, playful, fierce, light or dark, waxing or waning, always changing. We ALL have this energy in our composition. We all have a Divine Feminine within no matter how we present or express ourselves. Come and let’s see what She has to share with us in these troubled times.
I’d like to make a special request to those who feel a deep and heartfelt connection to this energy; those who already serve and surrender to Her: Please come and let us honor MAA in all Her forms together. As it should be.
I long for the space to witness Her with other sincere seekers of a better world. I long to share with Her devotees a prayer to be in connection with Her always, never forgetting. I long to receive in my body and heart the wisdom She offers so generously. I have been longing to place Her wisdom at the center of our human affairs again. It’s still so rare.
I think the more of us who show up for this, who come to listen and receive deeply, the more likely we are to receive an experience of Her splendor. If this is you, we need you. Let’s give Her all we’ve got. I bow to Her. Let’s see if we can feel what it might be like to live in a world where the Divine Feminine is revered by groups of adoring people ON THE REGULAR :) This is the future and it’s happening now. We’re it.