III. She Speaks
I am the space between,
and among us.
I am unseen
and I am Radiance.
I am warmth
and I am Grief.
I am fierce
and I am Ecstasy.
In my knowing,
I am Wisdom.
In my essence,
I am Irresistible.
I am Love,
the possibility of Loving,
and the act of Loving.
I am even
the loss of Love.
Though I’ve been married,
I haven’t been a wife.
I know the comfort of a man’s arms,
but never mistake that for the ground.
They built churches to keep me out,
and I stayed happily in the woods.
A sunset is sublime,
but can’t compare
to the light in my eyes.
There is no pigment to capture
the silvery blue
of my flesh in moonlight.
Can you see?
Can you feel what I'm saying?
There is holiness in my surrender,
my sacrifice.
It is boundless and non-discriminating
in its pure form.
Martyrdom is a human condition.
Where it is honored, life flourishes...
rivers flow, plants grow.
Abundance is my endless provision.
My essence is Source.
Never depleted.
I open the womb of all possibilities
and out flow the heavens—nothing less.
This is the true meaning of Virgin:
Nothing has been taken from me
that I haven’t given willingly.
This is the true meaning of Mother:
As I feed my children, I am fed
with the rapture of Creation.
This is the true meaning of Crone:
I hold the whole world in my heart
without any weight at all.
By protecting my own fullness
through the sacred act of rest.
In my bones and my body
I hold the truth of cycles
like a religion.
Ritual restoration, pampering,
turning my nourishment on myself.
Fields lie fallow,
the moon goes dark,
winter comes,
stillness sighs,
through the pauses I am filled
again and again.
When you honor me,
I am turned on.
When you refuse or ignore me,
take me for granted or abuse me,
I dry up.
Just like that.
Then you have to take
what I would have willingly given.
This is rape.
There is a bottom to that well.
Where I am no longer,
there is not even water enough to cry tears.
There is barrenness.
Women cannot conceive.
Where my sacrifice is taken for granted,
there is suffering.
I do not stay where I am not wanted.
Eons pass.
We must remember what we knew once,
But have forgotten:
Fertility and prosperity
are one and the same.
I have been misunderstood
more times than I can count.
But who's counting?
This only bothers me
when I forget myself.
Because the truth is…
I can’t actually be understood.
Not fully.
In order to understand something,
one must arrive at the end of the questioning.
Understanding is devoid of mystery…
and I am that Mystery!
Ineffable. Unfathomable.
I cannot be captured in words or images.
Only symbols and signs.
Earth, water, fire, air...
The movement.
The gestures.
The beauty.
The nectar of remembrance
flows from my cup.
I can open,
a million petals unfolding
from the flower of my inner being.
The invitation to a holy communion.
The bee is drawn
by the flower’s seduction,
like this the feminine
penetrates the masculine.
There is a current
that runs through every person
that is so wild and free
it can break things:
hearts, illusions, obstacles, lies...
That's me.
I cannot be tamed.
I have a mind of my own.
I am both Life and Death
in one electric shock.
No respect for convention.
Driving humans towards
liberation or madness.
(How different are they really?)
What is it that I seek?
I could say: love, passion, connection...
But, the truth is this:
Myself in another.
I am life wanting to experience itself living.
When that circuit completes—
the illusion of self and other crumbles.
A supernova of ecstasy, obliteration.
A new beginning.
My feelings
are my teacher and yours.
My anger
is the anger of injustice.
My grief
is the despair of our forgetting.
My joy
is a celebration of life!
What you call taboo
is home turf for me.
Your “civilization” is laughable
when I am enthralled or in throes.
You must pay attention.
My feelings point us
towards a deeper truth.
There is great medicine in the reunion.
When we return to The Garden.
Beyond sin, beyond ignorance,
beyond blame.
Grateful for the rib.
Grateful for the apple.
In this together,
impossible without each other.
I’m sorry.
Yes, me too.
You teach me.
Not in that way you have of claiming wisdom,
but in the way you hold me…
the way you protect my precious gifts,
the way you call me into myself,
the way you serve the same Goddess.
You teach me to know myself intimately.
You teach me who I am
when I am adored
and also when I am ignored.
Your strength is a balm.
You can move mountains
and sometimes you do.
Sometimes you are the mountain,
and sometimes you are the desert,
expanding for miles and miles and miles...
I walk with your voice in my heart.
You have vision.
You are the mage and the hermit.
You sit at the edge of time
and can wait forever.
You witness me dancing
and your enjoyment is enough
to keep me going.
Your sense of duty is profound.
You are the guardian of this Life.
You are the field of battle
and the warrior, too.
You have forgotten what your gifts are for.
I am here to remind you.
Your heart’s capacity for love
is exquisite.
It’s overwhelming
for us both.
Next week, Part 4, The Lovers
So beautiful, dear Schuyler. Such a bountiful flow of authentic reveal, insight and wisdom! Thank you. 🙏 Sections of this could be stand alone aphorisms. I was drawn to more fully masticate, pause and digest.
"This is the true meaning of Virgin:
Nothing has been taken from me
that I haven’t given willingly.
This is the true meaning of Mother:
As I feed my children, I am fed
with the rapture Creation.
This is the true meaning of Crone:
I hold the whole world in my heart
without any weight at all."
Oh to live in the awareness of and as the sacred, where we are at once, at any age, (in "their truest meanings"), virgin, mother and crone, and touch with the light, compassion and what has always been of that awareness, that which does not yet experience it.
Living this innately heartened, boundless reciprocity in the wake of a world that can feel dishonoring, that can take what is not "willingly given", where the bottom of our well feels dried up, can be a sadhana; an aspiration from and to the heart of the sacred; from a map drawn in eternity calling us to the exiles crying to be heard, and the mystery through which new creations can be born. ❤️🙏
Wow, I really loved this one 💓
So beautiful, dear Schuyler. Such a bountiful flow of authentic reveal, insight and wisdom! Thank you. 🙏 Sections of this could be stand alone aphorisms. I was drawn to more fully masticate, pause and digest.
"This is the true meaning of Virgin:
Nothing has been taken from me
that I haven’t given willingly.
This is the true meaning of Mother:
As I feed my children, I am fed
with the rapture Creation.
This is the true meaning of Crone:
I hold the whole world in my heart
without any weight at all."
Oh to live in the awareness of and as the sacred, where we are at once, at any age, (in "their truest meanings"), virgin, mother and crone, and touch with the light, compassion and what has always been of that awareness, that which does not yet experience it.
Living this innately heartened, boundless reciprocity in the wake of a world that can feel dishonoring, that can take what is not "willingly given", where the bottom of our well feels dried up, can be a sadhana; an aspiration from and to the heart of the sacred; from a map drawn in eternity calling us to the exiles crying to be heard, and the mystery through which new creations can be born. ❤️🙏