Poem: Blessed Unbecoming
This came through today...thank you, Tara Vajra Saraswati. Your inspiration is bright even through the darkest times.
January 22, 2025
Standing at the center of the world
radiating love
in all directions at once
I saw the future
What I saw were lies
receding like a tide
draining like a swamp
As all that looked so real
so threatening
and so powerful
revealed itself to be a mirage
a facade
and ultimately illusory
And as it receded
(the murky waters)
what remained was us
we stood
bright and shining like pillars
scattered across the barren expanse
bright like stars in a constellation
we were finally able to see
the pattern of connection
we've been weaving
We smiled at each other
we laughed
and our hearts burst
overflowing with joy
and a deep relief
that Truth prevails
that the Light
within us
never dies
We looked around
at the barren ground
as it became fertile again
with the compost of experiences weathered
tragedies overcome
dreams deferred
not yet blooming with spring
but empty
like footsteps
in the fresh, fallen snow
gleaming bright in the sun
and the path was clear
Then we stepped out of our old skins
shedding layers of time
and memory
and began to build
the world we'd been waiting for.
--Schuyler Brown, on a walk at Olana
love love love this!
also, thanks so much to you, John and Staci for yesterday's coming home meditation
i finally got to dive in yesterday afternoon, and it took me to that liminal place
but i need to listen again and see if i can stay fully awake this time :-]
which will be a different experience (though maybe when i partially fall asleep, i get even more out of the meditations? certainly i've found tremendous value in the past in the ones i was not fully conscious for due to how quickly i relax as you lead us, Schuyler...