POEM: Cathedral of Rouen
While they're pouring out, I will offer them. It's a poetry kind of fall.

POEM: Cathedral of Rouen Schuyler Brown November 2022 It’s so hard for me to see the beauty in my own journey. But yours looks so pretty from here: courageous, enchanting, steady and clear. From where I stand the view is fine truly in awe of all humankind. Where is that wonder when I feel despair? Where is compassion when I can’t seem to get there? When all maps are useless, when all skies are grey, when forgetting itself becomes the way. Unappreciative critic gets active and loud I lose myself in the maddening crowd. It's like looking at a Monet at the tip of my nose. All I see is randomness, dots, strokes, apathetic impressions. Maybe I’m too close… With others I step back and take it all in. And there I see in them the whole Cathedral of Rouen! West facade, morning light Afternoon, red sunlight Evening harmony in gold and blue. In dull and grey weather, I can see all of you. A matter of perspective and attention; all art and human expression need some space to take form, room to grow, appreciation, a little mystery in the act of creation. Today I walked in the woods to a place where I could see, Rhine Valley below, a ridge line reverie. Sitting still with a mountain’s view I felt my dedication, perseverance Devotion and truth. To something within deeper, brighter in hue than my doubt and my fear: a much better view. Then I found my own strength and I soon understood what I am holding is precious, basic and good. Seeing art in the imperfection, the big picture, not just a section. I saw then the beauty of my own journey—start to end. And in my very being and bearing I was the Cathedral of Rouen! Hallelujah! rang out from a choir of trees West facade, morning sun all of life’s subtleties. Inside and out came both into sight Myself as the bell tower the altar, the light, I was the priestess, the incense, the people in pews, saying prayers to that power. I was even the good news*. *Gospel: Old English gōdspel, from gōd ‘good’ + spel ‘news, a story’
Love this so much Schuyler, how it holds the full scope of our creative nature, and especially this wise transition:
Seeing art in the imperfection,
the big picture,
not just a section.