Thank You 🙏🏼 and a Gift Back 💝
An update on how your generosity made Fierce Love possible, plus some thoughts on this moment...
Dear Friends,
Two weeks ago, I wrote a heartfelt plea for financial help to get my Fierce Love course off the ground. I’m thrilled to report this community came through! We have now met twice and the cohort is absolutely beautiful and doing courageous, healing and heart-opening work.
I received generous sponsorships and donations from enough folks to nearly cover the deficit I presented in my email. We were still a couple hundred dollars short of my original goal, but I hope to cover that through donation after the course is over. My favorite note was from a former client. She reminded me of a financial favor I’d done her in the past and said she wanted to return that generosity. I had forgotten the incident, though it had clearly stayed with her. I cried when I received her help and was full of wonder at how reciprocal life can be—how generosity begets more generosity.
I can say this with full confidence: every dollar that has come in for this course on LOVE has been given with LOVE. And it feels so right!
You can expect more radical financial transparency from me in the coming months and years. As I said in the previous email, it has become clear to me that taking money out of the shadows/shame and into the LIGHT/matter-of-fact is ESSENTIAL to a full transmutation of the corrupt financial system we have. It is also key to healing the toxic/trauma-based relationship to money that so many of us are holding—both the haves and the have-nots! Money is a relational tool, an amplifier, and an enabler. What do we want to empower, amplify and enable right now? More death, war and extraction??? NO.
We have to let each other know how we’re doing and be honest about our needs. We have to move the money, which is currently mostly driven towards death and illness-based enterprises towards the light, the sacred. Every ounce/dollar/coin/bitcoin needs to be accounted for and returned to a state of flow. This is not a small task, but if enough of us get on it…we’ll start the ball rolling and eventually it will change the tide.
Thank you for being on this ride with me. Please post any feelings or thoughts you’d like to share on the topic in the comments so we can see where we’re at.
Encouragement from Spirit
Yesterday I attempted to look at the news. It’s been a week. I haven’t been able to stomach much of what I’ve seen. After a few minutes of scrolling and reading headlines, I felt super overwhelmed. I wondered how on earth we are going to get through this chaos. I knew enough not to try to solve anything from that state of overwhelm, so I did what yogis do, and I sat.
Well, I danced and then I sat. I highly recommend Jon Hopkin’s album RITUAL. It is incredibly psychoactive and insight-generating.
I danced myself through many emotions and opened myself to higher guidance. At the end of the album, as the music slowed, and the dust settled, I received this message. It helped me so much. I offer it in case it might help you. It’s simple, but the frequency behind it, the power with which it came through was incredibly reassuring. I hope you feel that, too. Sending you love and grace through this.
Each of us just needs to do our job: no more no less. And we need to be in communities of practice where our job becomes obvious over and over again; where we are held in pure presence and love and in that reflection and the vibration of coherence, we feel ourselves clearly.
We feel when something is ready, not ready, ours to do, not ours to do…In the frequency of love, we not only know who we are but why we came here to earth and what we’re meant to do and when to do it. This is divine orchestration. This is perfect timing. This is an evolving ecosystem. This is healthy and vital community and LIFE.
It is a continual practice and we will make mistakes but it will be so fulfilling because we’ll be getting closer and closer to ourselves all the time: not abandoning, not betraying…acting from source, soul…less and less from fear.
We will be contributing in a way that matters deeply. This is the way it was meant to be: each one of us is a precious gemstone, an irreplaceable thread in the fabric of this life, this story of our survival and evolution. Each one of us in our unique signature: alive, present, offering our gifts and receiving what we need to thrive here. That’s the idea!
Not that it’s easy, but it’s hard for all the right reasons and we know that. We don’t forget that. We don’t forget why we came. And when any of us leaves, it is felt.
I love you. Thank you.
Final piece of joy for today…my partner/beloved,
made another little video that’s gone super viral. I get such a kick out of it. I hope you do, too:
Hello Schuyler... it made me SO happy to see this post of yours this morning... It's evening now here in Germany, and it's taken me all day to get back here and write you. So, several things; first, I want to let you know how moved I was, when I read your earlier email about the Love course, along your clarity about what you needed, in order to offer it... I LOVED your the description of the course and was very tempted to join it... and so, am now SO very glad to hear that you received enough support to move forward, and that it is going well!!! I am celebrating with you, and grateful for all of the energy you are all raising and pouring out into the Universe....
And then... I was just so blown away, by the transmission in your post here... and I am SO wanting to see it go viral... such a powerful message!!!! I love love love your partners' AI video, and the whole first part of this post as well, and still, I'm wondering if JUST the the transmission itself (with maybe the image of the buddhas) might make a powerful instagram post or something (and I don't know anything about instagram) but something that could be shared more easily? Anyway, that's what's coming up very strongly, so am taking the risk to share it with you, hope i'm not overstepping here, but would love love love to share it with others...
Ok... that's it for now... thank you so much for all the lovely energy you are radiating!!!