The Art of Embodied Conversation VII with David Sauvage ~ What Do We Need to Know About Technology Now?
Join David and me for the next installment in our ongoing series of deeply embodied conversations about the topics that matter most now.
Dear Friends,
On Tuesday, March 7 from 6-8pm EST, David Sauvage and I will once again perform our original relating ritual, The Art of Embodied Conversation. This our seventh in the formal series, but in truth this has been a part of our relating always. We love sharing it live. The event is free, but advanced registration is required.
A request we have for all participants is timeliness and commitment to presence. In order to set the container, we will close the doors at 6:05. We prefer that you stay for the entire event, ideally with your camera on. But, we know life happens so if it does and you need to turn the camera off or leave, no big deal. Thank you.
For those who are wondering what this is, let me give a quick introduction…
The Art of Embodied Conversation demonstrates how communication can be an act of healing, love, revelation, and even prophesy. This is sacred communication—between us and between us and the unseen world.
David and I are both empaths (among other things). We feel deeply and we can relate at a very subtle level. We embarked on this collaboration called “The Art of Embodied Conversation” after a year of public conversations on the Clubhouse app; and many years of private conversations. We are close friends who are passionate about the evolution of humanity and using our gifts in service to that cause. Through this practice, we are asking for guidance from higher sources for this time of transition.
For this event our intention is to bring through wisdom for humanity about our relationship with technology.
Our question: What do we need to know now about technology?
We set the stage and come into coherence with our guests, revisit our intention and state the question, and then go into a subtle state together. What happens from there is spontaneous and emergent.
So far we have covered masculine and feminine dynamics, money and fear, emergence, anger, money (again), and the divine feminine. We have been met by guides, a child from the future, Gaia, and other advanced intelligences. We receive the information through our minds, bodies, senses and emotions and we share it real time, helping to bring participants along with us.
I can honestly say I have been transformed by each and every one of these. I have learned and had insights I could never have gotten to on my own. Audience participants also receive transmission and insights and we make space for collective sharing. It’s beautiful, really. The quality of coherence in the field is what makes the experience so powerful for everyone. When we all show up and tune in and open to receive, the help comes easily, readily, and creatively.
We are feeling our way forward together.
The topic for this one: technology
David and I are both very excited about this event. We feel the timing is right and the need for higher guidance on the topic of technology is critical now.
We have certainly entered an intense period in the relationship between humanity and technology. I’m reading articles every day now about the AI apocalypse and the abrupt arrival of “the AI revolution.” I shared some of the transcript from The New York Times interview with AI chatbot, Sydney, with my 12-year old daughter the other night at dinner and she cried—overwhelmed by fear. I felt like crying, too.
As a parent of a sixth grade girl, I sometimes feel powerless against the rising tide of technology. I do my best to fortify her with real world experiences, emotional intelligence, community, and self-knowledge. I make attempts at limiting screen time, but it’s really hard. At my daughter’s school, the topic has become an urgent one…we’re trying to figure out how to create norms and boundaries as a small community, everyone shares the desire to help the kids.
Why does it seem like humanity is just now imagining what could go wrong? Now, that the proverbial cat is out of the bag? Of course, I know there have been many people studying and speculating about this for a long time and science fiction is rich with cautionary tales, but here we are anyway wringing our hands as it all unfolds.
I can’t help thinking a BIG part of the problem is not technology itself, but the kind of technology we’ve created so far; the technology our broken capitalist system has created to keep us hooked, addicted, ill; the technology created by disembodied and de-natured human engineers. There is another technology waiting to happen, waiting to be an ally. How can we make that … something we don’t have to protect our children from?
We need a better WAY. Let’s see if we can get some help. Join us for the next Art of Embodied Conversation on Tuesday the 7th at 6pm EST. We want you there if this topic speaks to you, if you work in technology, if you are a parent dealing with these issues, if you are someone who actively avoids technology but is interested in how we could chart a different course. Come!