Tonight: Sacred Heart Circle for Women 8-9:15pm EST on ZOOM
Join me for an experience of abiding in the heart together ~ deep, deep listening
If you are in need of some deep, deep listening or you have space to do some deep, deep listening, please join this sacred container tonight. We will be held in the sacred presence of God and Goddess, Cosmos and Gaia. We will be listened to. We will listen. Let’s see what unfolds.
For those who haven’t experienced the container of the Sacred Heart, it’s worth saying a few things about it…
This is not a theoretical space. It’s a direct experience of the heart, of divine union within the heart—of the Universal Heart. It will FEEL different from most spaces we currently occupy where the emphasis is on the mental frequency, thinking, figuring things out, mentation, transactional talking, etc. There is more silence, more intensity, more depth, more presence…and much, much more LOVE
We center The Sacred. I will offer a prayer and will invoke divine presence. We will ask for the support, guidance, and healing of other realms. We will step into The Mystery together. This is the difference between talking ABOUT the heart and being IN IT.
This is a practice. We are LEARNING to be in this level of service and love together. In order to do this, we have to SHED a lot of conditioning and egoistic tendencies and beliefs. We have to SHED and LET GO of what doesn’t serve the highest good. We are aiming at perfect relating, an ideal of sisterhood and community. We will not get there overnight. Each week is another chance to practice relating at the level of our souls…this is the path to inviting, invoking and preparing the ground for an integration of heaven (so to speak) and earth.
This space requires self-responsibility and openness. It’s not for everyone. If it calls to you, please bring yourself. Please join! If you’re not sure, you can give it a try. Trust.
Please register in advance for TONIGHT’S Sacred Heart Gathering for Women from 8-9:15pm EST for women. By donation (whatever you feel) on Venmo @ElizabethSchuyler-Brown.