I woke up in the middle of the night with the first line of this piece alive in my mind stream. It wasn’t a personal query…it felt like the expression of something blocking a cascade of wisdom that is ready to flow through the leading edge of enlightened culture.
What do you do when it’s ‘go time,’ but you don’t have the plan?
It was 3:30am. I turned on the light and took up a pen to receive the answer. Below is what I got.
So many of us who have dedicated ourselves to the GOOD, the TRUE, and the BEAUTIFUL for a long time now…likely for lifetimes…have been preparing ourselves for just this moment. I know I have. Last night I felt the green light. I felt: it’s time to shift gears from neutral to GO.
But, there’s faulty programming—a bug—I’m carrying from this current world system: the idea that I need to “know” where I am going before I go. It’s not true. This block must be seen for what it is. Because it will only hold us back now. We don’t need to know exactly what the plan is. We actually can’t know because it’s unfolding real time.
We have to act from the heart, from LOVE.
That’s it. The only strategy that will save us now is the wisdom of the heart. The head MUST be in service to THAT. This is the only skill we need to learn right now and the only way to learn it is to enact it. We have to TRUST and SURRENDER.
We got this.
For all of us—yes, YOU—who have been practicing for years the art of emergence, the art of listening to the heart, the art of being in deep relating, the art of being in integrity, ensoulment, embodiment, the art of love…it’s GO TIME. We cannot fail.
I hope these words inspire you. So grateful for your companionship on the path we are all forging right now together. The way is OURS.
Transmission: What do you do when it’s ‘go time,’
but you don’t have the plan?
Stop worrying. Start walking. Stay open-hearted. Keep walking. Repeat. Trust. Surrender. Not one or the other...BOTH. Trust yourself. Trust those you already trust even more, like your life depends on it. Most importantly, trust GOD…The Divine, LIFE, LOVE… Put the SACRED at the center in all things. Night and day. Day and night. Surrender to the ground of being, to your destiny, to your heart's longing. Surrender your ego. Surrender your small needs and self-imposed limitations. Lean back into the arms of the Great Mother. Surrender to what's happening that cannot be changed. Surrender your fears. Then, hang on tight. Your steadiness is the key to the future's brightness. ~*~ There is no plan a bunch of people sitting in a room together can concoct to save--fill in the blank (everything that feels vulnerable and under threat). That time is over. Stop looking for those experts. Stop looking for that small stratagem. Stop scanning the news. Stop wringing your hands. Stop thinking about it. Stop looking for answers out there. Stop worrying. Start walking. One foot in front of the other. ~*~ Ok, now that you’ve let go of that fear-based delusion/savior complex (no shame, we all had it), here's the good news… There is a plan. There most certainly is a plan. But, it’s on such a large scale, a cosmic scale, that no small mind or small thinking can grasp it. No individual or existing organization can execute it. No political party or NGO or UN or alliance no matter how well-intentioned… We do not execute this plan, it will orchestrate us when we open to our roles. It requires all of us to play our part, as best we can. Doesn’t it make sense? That the only plan that will get us out of this mess has been architected from beyond this mess? It’s a life line. Grab it! ~*~ You know what to do. You do. Take a minute. A quiet minute. A deep breath. When you reach within, below fear…to the base of your awareness and the bottom of your HEART, there is an answer there…for YOU. Maybe it says: call that friend, write that piece, make amends, get your dual citizenship, make yourself agile, travel light, forgive, build community, have them over for dinner, give the money, open to receive, ask for help, leave no stone unturned, gather the women, include the men, move beyond polarities, say no, say yes, change your address, marry them, divorce them, check in, get on the same page, testify, write what’s coming through, dance, listen, march, hide, resist, do not fear, love, love, love… Trust what you hear. And then do it. See what happens. This is your first command. There will be a series of them. You don't have to look far. They will come to you. ~*~ When enough of us are acting directly from these orders, we are an army of love. We cannot be stopped. We will find the portals and pathways and bridges we’ve been searching for. They will appear out of thin air. It will feel like a miracle. It will BE a miracle. The story goes that Moses parted the sea, but the people had to take the first steps first. The people had to start walking before they saw the waters would part. They could not have known in advance what would happen. They had to trust. And surrender to destiny. They had to believe in miracles. ~*~ There are leaders among us now, too. They’re just like us only they’re a little further ahead and they receive their orders more clearly. This--not ego--helps them walk with confidence. This is Divine Will. This is SERVICE. This is true leadership. You will know you can trust these people because you will feel it in your bones. The knowing comes from resonance, not persuasion or calculation. You will recognize them because they lack an agenda. They act on behalf of the whole. On behalf of the earth. This is certain. ~*~ If you are sincere and you are also ready to act on behalf of the whole and the earth--not just to preserve yourself, but to preserve LIFE--you must go now. It’s go time. You will find when you do…you will be surrounded by friends. You will be closer to one of these leaders than you knew. You will begin to know yourself. You will start to see everything differently. This is how we organize. We become a living, loving, breathing, synchronized organ of the divine, cosmic plan that is pulsing through us. It will be so goddamn obvious what is true and good and beautiful. And what is a lie. Get ready. Don’t doubt. Doubt is the killer. Stop worrying. Start walking. Lean into love. Lean on each other. Its time. That’s the plan. ~*~