Women Helping Women ~ A Movement, A Moment
Sharing a dream and an invitation to meditate tomorrow at noon EDT
Dear Friends,
Last night I had what felt like a prophetic dream. In it, I was attending a big conference. Many men were on stage and in attendance. Frankly, it was a scenario I am all-too-familiar with in this life.
I was seated deep in the theater when the emcee, a man in a suit, announced that the next phase of programming would be dedicated to women. “In honor of International Women’s Day,” he said. I perked up a little. Huh, ok.
The first “speaker” was David Bowie. A famous, interesting, queer, cross-dressing, impossible-to-label man, but a man nonetheless. I looked around in confusion, “They couldn’t find a single woman to speak?” The emcee, tracking my annoyance, reassured me from the stage that I would approve of the next presenter because he really honors women—he? Again, a man took the stage. He sat at a piano, poised to play and I felt outrage, but held it in as I waited for his song… “Maybe he’ll sing the praises of women?” I thought. He began singing a nonsensical little ditty. Nothing to do with women.
At this point, I decided to walk out. As I was leaving, a woman yelled to me, “Tell ‘em about how you work with women. Tell ‘em about the healing work women do. Tell ‘em about the women!” I took a mic that was passed to me and began to speak with trepidation—unsure what to share or whether it would be received in these circumstances. I sensed that I was getting through to some in the audience, but not all. It was a start. I left feeling a little better, but not totally satisfied.
Outside the conference, I boarded a bus. It was a double decker and I went up top. From there, I could survey the landscape. We drove through a town, a village, a city…I was standing at the helm of this bus/vehicle moving across the land with several other women and I began to notice all of the women going about their business, living their lives, helping each other out. It was the helping each other that caught my attention and I shouted, “Women helping women!” Like, that’s it! That’s how women work.
The sisters to my left and right joined me and we began to chant, “Women helping women! Women helping women!” Then, the women on the ground began to join in. The voices collected and rose in symphony together until we were a tsunami of energetic resonance, “Women helping women!” The wave of voices woke me up.
I lay there thinking about the dream. This life has been centered around the restoration of feminine wisdom. My mission has unfolded over the last three decades and has many chapters. As my regular readers will know, I’ve been moving recently through a series of commands and prophesies related to Gathering the Women. Last summer I issued a call and gathered eight incredible women. We have been meeting every two-three weeks since to explore our collective mission as a new earth incubator and venture fund. Soon, I will share more specifics emerging from that epic experience.
I was also called into a group of women by Sylvie Barbier, co-founder of Life Itself and the artist/curator of the Second Renaissance. This group of women/artists has been meeting for a couple of months now. We are in a similar, but different, process of getting to know each other and finding what it is we’re called to DO and BIRTH into the world together.
Thursday, I am planning to visit another small gathering of women in the Berkshires. We met and felt enough resonance to gather for tea and an exchange of ideas and energies. The question is…how can we support each other’s efforts in meaningful ways?
The women in all of these containers are also active in other containers. The structure of this web of connections is fractal, holographic, coven-like, mandalic, mycelial, NATURAL. It feels to me like the dream…women helping women in myriad ways.
Here is some of what I’m noticing in these new groups coming into my life and awareness (Acknowledging the timeless tradition of the women’s circle that is as multi-dimensional as life itself and all the women’s groups that have held us through the ages…)
Women are ready for an altogether new way of relating with each other—one that calls on a memory of deep intimacy, but includes the context we are in right now—the immediacy of the moment, current threats and opportunities
These groups are formed around an invisible pulse of LIFE; something SACRED wanting to come into existence, wanting to be BORN. They are forming to HELP and SERVE the emergence of a whole new way of living on Earth
These circles are birthing many wonderful things and ways of being—each circle has a unique flavor, intention, mission and alchemy based on the uniqueness of the members
Women are building containers where coherence and emergence are practiced as a high art
We place the sacred at the center—LIFE is what we honor, LIFE is the teacher
These containers are healing in and of themselves: We are healing a lot of shame, separation, competition, shyness, self-worth, self-love, complexities of power dynamics and navigating tension and disagreement…We are healing wounds of the patriarchy; remembering how to be sisters and how to operate the technology of feminine collective wisdom.
Leadership is distributed and ever-changing
Many circles are multi-generational and global (though I know many in-person and local communities have been operating for a long time and are also forming…)
MONEY and the nourishment of material resources are an imperative; women recognizing the VALUE in the straight-up R&D (research & development), the time and effort, it takes to unlearn bad habits, invoke divine and sacred guidance, honor the earth, our bodies and each other, and receive downloads for transformation and evolution
These circles are comprised of women who have done a lot of work to integrate their inner feminine and masculine/polarities. There is resonance and reverence for the masculine within ourselves and love for men. There is a role for men in the holding and supporting of these circles, but the first order of business is for women and all people who identify as women to work through what it means to gather in goodwill.
Taking the time to get to know each other’s hearts, hopes and desires and then holding their hearts’ desires as dearly as your very own is the essence of the magic; the activation of the collective heart
And we’re just getting started.
I’m beginning to imagine a platform where women can truly help other women—with ideas, care, complementary skills, projects, and resources. We need to express our needs and feel them being met, over and over again. This is radical work.
Stay tuned…
Coming Home Meditation Is Tomorrow from 12-1pm EDT
All are welcome. You don’t need to have any particular skill with meditation, just a willingness to be present with what is arising for you and others. This is truly a communal effort. We spend the first 30 minutes in deep conversation and the second 30 minutes bathing in the beauty and power of the symbols and energies we’ve generated. We open our minds and hearts, we shed, we share, we receive. It’s very special and also very natural. You are invited!
Whatever you have to offer or whatever it is you need, I promise you will find a place for it at Coming Home if you are willing and honest with yourself and the group.
Here is the Zoom link:
This is a pay-what-you-feel experience each week. Suggested donation is $10-20 for drop ins. Whatever you feel called to give is appreciated. Contributions can be made here: Paypal: schuyler@artofemergence.com or Venmo: ElizabethSchuyler-Brown. Paid subscribers, you are already covered. Thank you.
Being in Europe, I'm not sure what day it takes place 🙏🏻
Hallelujah. Thank you for your dream-seeing, Schuyler. Thank you for tracking and naming the rapid emergence of this phenomena. Honored to be watering this garden with you. Inspiring to feel it's rippling dance through the field.