Announcements: "The Art of Embodied Conversation V" Is Tuesday 6-8pm EST + No Coming Home Meditation This Week
Hello Friends,
Tomorrow night (or tonight depending on when you’re reading this), David Sauvage and I will offer our original relating ritual: The Art of Embodied Conversation. The event starts at 6pm and runs until 8pm. We like to start on time and keep the container very tight so we typically “close the room” at 6:05p EST. If you’d like to join us, please be on time. Here is the inquiry we’ve landed on:
“What do we need to know about money during this time of transition?”
I foresee a powerful experience based on how much work both David and I have been doing lately to get to the root of the money issue within us and within society at large. We have big insights to share even before we go into a subtle state. Once we’re in the subtle state, we will open to receive whatever wants to come through in relation to our question. We have no idea what this will be. The spontaneity in the space we create is real. It is completely emergent. Read here if you’d like more background on this practice.
Please register if you’d like to come. Also, some of you living in Europe, we recognize the time is late for you. Contact me directly if you’d like a recording. I can’t promise we’ll send it out, but if we do I’d like to get it to you.
Our regular Tuesday morning Coming Home Meditation is not happening this week. I’ll be back next Tuesday with another group sit. Here is one from the archives if you’d like to practice. This is one of my favorites. It’s about softening the body and allowing contraction, tension, and resistance to melt. Enjoy! A good one to prepare for potentially tense family moments ;)