Coming Home Meditation for Fall ~ New Time: 12p EST on Tuesdays
Join us weekly for a meditative journey into grounded peace and bliss ✨
Dear Friends,
Coming Home is a weekly meditation practice I’ve offered on Tuesdays since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. It started as a practice of deep grounding (to settle our nerves and keep us present) and has evolved into a practice of collective sense-making and meditative, medicinal journeying.
We gather and spend the first 30 minutes sharing what’s alive for us. We focus on deep listening and simple, honest sharing. We surface the synchronicities and cues the unseen world and our own psyches are trying to bring into our awareness. We talk about the animals, the elements, our lives, our heartaches, and triumphs. We trust our impulse to share or simply witness in silence. We trust the magic of spontaneity and inspiration!
When the sharing is complete, I weave all that’s been brought into the space into a 30-minute guided meditation journey. I do this with the help of Spirit. Something ALWAYS moves us.
I absolutely love these Tuesday meditations. The community of regulars has become so dear to my heart and all of us are welcoming to newcomers. Please give it a try if it speaks to you or you need peace, solace, community, the support or presence of others. It’s special. Because the meditations are co-created by the stories and shares of attendees, each person’s presence is essential. YOU change what happens when you show up.
Please note the new time. We used to gather at 9am EST on Tuesdays, but I want to commit this fall to NOON. I think that will enable more West Coast friends to pop in when they have a chance and it also helps me keep my mornings open for writing and the needs of my daughter.
Hope to see you tomorrow! No registration is required. You just join with this link tomorrow at noon.
This is a pay-what-you-feel experience. Suggested donation is $10-20 for drop ins. Whatever you feel called to give is appreciated. Contributions can be made on Venmo: @ElizabethSchuyler-Brown. Paid subscribers, you are already covered. Thank you.
The Kilmartin Glen Stone meditation you led immediately following your announcement of the time change was truly amazing.
But it felt to me like maybe i had "gone too far" in what I'd asked of you.
If not when i asked you (and then when i responded so briefly after the power of that nourishing, healing, introspecting, amazing session had concluded), then perhaps in my attempt to provide an initial half-hearted email apology (i mean, my whole heart wanted me to express something, but i fear i leaked out much more than was appropriate, perhaps compounding any issue i'd already begun to create with "infecting" the pure nature of _coming home_ with detritus that contaminated the space and maybe was more upsetting than you felt comfortable holding).
In any case, I'll provide space now for you and the others, and not show back up again for _coming home_ until the week of 9/23 (if it even happens that week?). And if you'd prefer, i can stay away much longer.
with regret and sorrow for perhaps having overstepped, overasked, overshared, and also
with so much gratitude,