Your words always inspire thought in the subtle resonances which challenge my own expression in word. Thank you for your courageous sharing. Also, I am currently managing a project with a friend to publish a poetry project and found a publisher called Inner Traditions | Bear & Company as a potential partner. There have many titles that I have read and have great appreciation for and their library is extensive with a very intentional vision. Anyway, I thought of you and your project potentially being a fit. Feel free to reach out to me via digital mail if you have any questions - mercurious@centaurdreams.com - I know this is random but I operate from a space with an open source philosophy and freely offer my wisdom through a life as a creative professional.

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Thank you for the lead here. I love the publisher, Inner Traditions, and have some of their books myself. Your help inspires me. I will reach out!

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Beautiful!!! Happy New Year!!! Celebrating the gifts that you BE, that emerge through you, into the world...

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Thank you, Rosa. I always appreciate your encouraging words and presence. Here's to a magnificent year...in spite of it all? XO

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