Dear Friends,
It’s Friday and I’d like to offer you a poem. It’s been a time of much reflection and transmutation over here. I am humbled and I am relieved to be given the gift of revelation. It’s courageous to apply yourself to the clearing of karmic patterns and I am fortunate to have been taught how to do it by some of the best. My art, especially my poems, are part of the healing work. When I publish a poem, I do this in the hopes that it will reach you energetically in just the spot you need. They are medicine for me and I offer them as medicine to whoever needs them.
This morning I woke to the gentle presence of forgiveness ready to enter my heart. I have my own history of perceived wrongs and actual wrongs (I don’t want to sugarcoat it). But, I also have the capacity to integrate and move on. It’s taken me a long time to get here—where forgiveness is not just an idea, a concept, or a thought…but a bodily release, a true unwinding of the karmic bonds, an expansion of the heart, an offering of blocked energy back to Source.
It’s so new and alive in me this morning I don’t yet know how I will feel differently—though I know I will. The paint is still wet on the canvas, as they say. But, there was something so raw and beautiful in the freshness of the moment that I wanted to capture it and offer it to you like the beautiful, urgent, subtle thing it was for me. Maybe it can speak to a latent readiness in you, too.
NOTE: There will be a live ZOOM reading of this poem by me and a group discussion about forgiveness on February 5 from 8-9pm EST. It’s open to all. Come!
POEM: All is Forgiven January 19, 2024 Relax, little one. You’ve been angry for a long time. You’ve been hurting for longer. And it keeps you from seeing the beauty And it keeps you from being able to connect Really connect. You’re tired. I know. You’re tired of reaching out and not being met. You’re afraid of one more rejection. It could undo you. That’s why you push me away. Well, I’m meeting you now. You can rest with me. You can lay down your weapons. Take down the defenses. It’s safe now. You don’t have to hold a grudge anymore. I feel you like a fluttery butterfly right here on my chest In my chest Would you like to fly? It will finally happen: what you were born for. The freedom you were made for is still here never left and is ready to scoop you up, lift those wings and take flight. What does it feel like? Forgiveness? (You ask.) It feels like the end of holding onto something so tightly you forgot you were holding at all. It feels like the unraveling of a knot at the center of your being. It feels like a melting in the deep freeze of your emotions. It’s not a forgetting, but it’s the end of keeping score. It’s the fingers of empathy prying open the heart to let compassion in. It's the beginning of understanding that the perpetrator of the hurt was hurting, too. Actual forgiving opens a door into a new world where your needs can be met not by “them” or “that” out there-- But, in here. In the cave of the heart where a light so bright it’s blinding to look at burns inside you steadily. And a well so deep and full of clear water replenishes you eternally. Here you can have counsel with the whole heavenly host and even the holy ghost about everything your heart ever wanted in this life and beyond-- and you will be heard and you will be received and you will be warmed by the fire and you will be cooled by the water and you will see in the light of their illumination and the mirror of their reflection that your needs are naturally quite simple. And you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they will be met and you will also know just how to meet them. Actual forgiving comes when you feel confident that you no longer have to protect your heart your body your thoughts your beliefs your turf your ideas... that you no longer have to erect walls around them. Because you know for the first time, for certain that what truly belongs to you cannot be tumbled down. Can never be shaken, bent or broken, shamed or made wrong. And that we "own" almost nothing at all We're just borrowing from the Universe anyway; putting a life on layaway. The day forgiveness comes, it sneaks into the room on tip-toes... barely perceptible another morning routine save for the presence of gloom (a funny calling card) as the distraction of habitual action falls away. On this morning, just before the forgiveness comes, there’s a sobering realization that you’re tired of doing this to yourself-- That maybe there is no way to even the score; and even the act of trying is a distraction from the joy of flying. As the dawn breaks over the melting snow-- a dawning awareness also breaks in you: It’s time to be free. Something must change and it’s you who hold the key. The fortress you erected as your defense is the very thing that makes you think you have something to defend. You’ve been the prisoner and the warden for way too long. It’s time to go. It’s time to move on. All is forgiven when you begin to see that the way things were is the way they had to be. ~~~~
This articulated forgiveness in such a simple, relatable and holistic way. My heart and body felt seen in so many moments as I read, softening, softening. This part especially hit me in a deep place: "It feels like the end of holding onto something so tightly you forgot you were holding at all." That part lit up a place in me that is holding something really heavy. When I read that part, this part said: "help me put this down.. Its so heavy..." Thanks Schuyler
Incredible. Thank you for sharing ❤️