This articulated forgiveness in such a simple, relatable and holistic way. My heart and body felt seen in so many moments as I read, softening, softening. This part especially hit me in a deep place: "It feels like the end of holding onto something so tightly you forgot you were holding at all." That part lit up a place in me that is holding something really heavy. When I read that part, this part said: "help me put this down.. Its so heavy..." Thanks Schuyler
Dear Becca, I get it. I know. And what grace to come to that place...without answers or knowing how or when. But knowing what you want and knowing its good. Love you. Thank you.
Thank you so much for this dear Schuyler. I feel such a profound resonance with this beautiful poem and every word of this post, as I walk a very similar path, allowing the energy of forgiveness to flow back up into the deeply wounded places in my lineage, and forward, into the mystery of what is to come. Your clarity and humility about what it really takes to forgive, and to receive forgiveness, and how long it takes, are breathtaking.
"how long it takes" I know. It takes the time it takes, doesn't it? Even when we'd like to let go sooner...Time is a funny thing. Thank you for your words and path. I feel us walking along together.
This articulated forgiveness in such a simple, relatable and holistic way. My heart and body felt seen in so many moments as I read, softening, softening. This part especially hit me in a deep place: "It feels like the end of holding onto something so tightly you forgot you were holding at all." That part lit up a place in me that is holding something really heavy. When I read that part, this part said: "help me put this down.. Its so heavy..." Thanks Schuyler
Dear Becca, I get it. I know. And what grace to come to that place...without answers or knowing how or when. But knowing what you want and knowing its good. Love you. Thank you.
Incredible. Thank you for sharing ❤️
Resonating :))) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
Thank you so much for this dear Schuyler. I feel such a profound resonance with this beautiful poem and every word of this post, as I walk a very similar path, allowing the energy of forgiveness to flow back up into the deeply wounded places in my lineage, and forward, into the mystery of what is to come. Your clarity and humility about what it really takes to forgive, and to receive forgiveness, and how long it takes, are breathtaking.
"how long it takes" I know. It takes the time it takes, doesn't it? Even when we'd like to let go sooner...Time is a funny thing. Thank you for your words and path. I feel us walking along together.