💐Spring Offerings
Join me for a weekly Sacred Heart Circle for Women on Thursday evenings and a small-group, deep-healing cohort for all
Dear Friends,
I have two exciting offers for gathering online (Zoom) in the coming months. If you’ve been enjoying my writings or meditations and looking for a way to engage more deeply with the healing power of the heart and collective sensing, join me!
Thursdays 8-9:30pm EST Sacred Heart Circle for Women
This is a circle I will convene regularly on Thursday evenings starting next Thursday, April 18.
It will be drop-in, open to all women, and pay-as-you-can with a suggested exchange of $10-20 each time you come. All proceeds will go towards supporting the development of the in-person Sacred Heart retreats I will be offering throughout the year. The first was in October 2023 and the second was in March 2024. I am planning the next one in June or July in the Hudson Valley. If you’re curious about this work, these weekly drop-in circles will be a perfect way to feel your way into the work and meet some of the other women called to it.
I have written a good amount on how the Sacred heart lives with me. You can read more about it here or here. To sum it up: We enter a field of the heart (which is an actual frequency) and relate from within this place—each woman in her own heart, all of us connected to the Universal Heart/Sacred Heart that is an integration of the power of below and of above: earth and cosmos.
We will gather, share about life, talk about an emergent topic, pray, weave our wisdom, and meditate together. The effect is uplifting, HEART-WARMING, and healing. We will explore deep aspects of sisterhood and what it means to be a woman in the world at this time. This is for all ages, all life stages, anyone who identifies as a woman and feels they would enjoy receiving and giving in such a space.
This space can be psychoactive and is therefore, not for everyone. There is an energetic state available that depends on the capacity of the group field. As the convener of the circle, I feel responsible for maintaining the integrity of the space. There are some qualities I find are good for assessing your own readiness. These are not rules, but guidelines. If you identify with these, come!
Open-hearted, compassionate
Facile/comfortable with emotional wisdom and the movement of the full spectrum of emotions through individuals and groups
Familiar with trauma and shadow work, but not overly-dependent on processing—trusting, willing to rest and rely on grace and love to carry us through
Open to prayer, and the invocation of divine assistance
Comfortable calling in the teachings, lives, and energy streams of great beings from across diverse lineages: gods, goddesses, archetypal energies, angels, ancestors, cosmic masters, saints, sages and mystics past, present, and future…you never know who might stop by!
Ready to move beyond patriarchal constraints of thought and conditioning
Ready to abide in the heart with other heartful beings
I feel called to add that while this is for women, the sacred heart is an integrated modality beyond gender or polarity. In the future, I plan to open the space to men, too. I was instructed to “Gather the Women” first, though. And so I am.
Invitation to Ensoulment ~ An 8-week, transformational journey for a small group of fellow travelers ~ Sundays from 12-2pm EST
I am so excited to launch this new space for group healing and liberation. Over the years, I have practiced 1:1 healing, spiritual guidance and trauma-processing. I have also taught numerous group courses on the subtle body, the chakras, grounding and meditation. Now, I want to combine them.
If you have been looking for an efficient and cost-effective way to dive deep into your own evolutionary journey, this could be for you. But, the benefits are far beyond financial. Group therapeutic process is enriching, elevating, enlightening and cultivates a sense of community and belonging that individual therapy cannot.
The course will be limited to a maximum of 9 participants and will run for 8 weeks. Every Sunday from 12-2pm EST, we will gather online. Each class, we will:
Discuss a topic related to ensoulment, healing, evolution or awakening
Share a group meditation
Spend an hour working through individual processes (each week we will take 2-3 volunteers) and moving stuck energy
Close with a prayer circle and energetic weaving/integration
We create a strong and safe container, invoke protective and healing energies, and then work on what arises. The healing for one is healing for all. It’s a truly efficient, beautiful, and engaging way to tackle something in your life you’d like to transform, transmute, or evolve. The sense of solidarity and belonging that can be fostered over the course of the journey is profound.
This particular journey feels like it is going to be moderately advanced. I see this as a chance to hone and refine your own healing skills. If you are already practicing a healing modality, you will not only receive healing yourself, but witness and explore empathic, somatic, and intuitive ways of working through trauma and shadow with the help of the descending light. It will really be powerful.
I will ask each participant to come in with a refined intention or desire; something to work on specifically over the course of our time together. When you are selected to participate, I will be available to help you refine your intention so you come in clear.
The cost for 8 sessions from May 5-June 30 (no class on June 16) is $400. You can pay all at once or in installments. If you are interested, please email me at schuyler@artofemergence.com asap. I expect this cohort to fill quickly.
This Thursday doesn’t work for me but I’ll look forward to future opportunities!