L'Aigle Noir...again * Graveside * "It feels good to be seen" * French kissing * Mothers and Boddhisattvas * White rose, red rose * A nightcap with Katherine
Thank you! Chicken skin is always a very good sign for me. It usually indicates Truth or Beauty so I appreicate that. Thank you for being here to the end!
Thank you, Sherry! Yes....it was very healing for me, too. Something about the passage of time helps...and all the women and girls. It was fun to see how instrumental my daughter was in the integration. I knew it on some level, but through the writing saw her anew. So grateful. Thanks for reading, Sherry. Much love. It means a lot.
That makes me so happy to hear, Gretchen! I have been working for the past year on a big edit of the whole manuscript. I hope you'll have an actual book to hold in your hands one day SOON :) Thank you for going on the journey with me!
It has taken me this long to get here, Schuyler. This final chapter is quite something to take in, marking a profound degree of individuation (one I believe you've taken yet a further leap into recently).
My favorite scene in the whole novel, which swept me along with a quickening pace, was the visit to the cemetery. Your intuitive navigation through the city, Katherine's sudden visitation and your instant recognition of it, your willing lending of your body for her, one pair of eyes becoming a window upon a grave for two souls—one living, another dead.
Something about the leap you took to Paris, your trusting it's meaning enough to do it, is very moving. Beyond that, the graveyard scene raises a profound question: what is this kind of consciousness that can trustingly surrender a body in full sovereignty, without loss of wakeful presence in trance or loss of control through possession, all the while watching, maintaining the capacity to discern the invisible, pneumatic distinctions between what is "I," and what "other," in the private arena of thoughts, memories, impulses, desires, reactions, etc?
Perhaps I'm being too literal-minded here, but I like the ambiguity of it all. Something feels significant here.
Well done seeing this unfinished business through to end...
Beautiful! I'm so happy to see this come to completion, happy for you I mean. I'll miss these little missives. Know that I'll be rooting for you on the journey of publication...
Wow; “chicken skin” all the way...profound, powerful and a joy to read. Thank you, Love💝
Thank you! Chicken skin is always a very good sign for me. It usually indicates Truth or Beauty so I appreicate that. Thank you for being here to the end!
This chapter and ending was so healing and evocative, Schuyler. Thank you for bringing it to life ❤️🙏
Thank you, Sherry! Yes....it was very healing for me, too. Something about the passage of time helps...and all the women and girls. It was fun to see how instrumental my daughter was in the integration. I knew it on some level, but through the writing saw her anew. So grateful. Thanks for reading, Sherry. Much love. It means a lot.
I did not want this to end! I’ve been enraptured and feel so many of the vignettes hit a cord in me. So beautiful and magical. Thank you.
That makes me so happy to hear, Gretchen! I have been working for the past year on a big edit of the whole manuscript. I hope you'll have an actual book to hold in your hands one day SOON :) Thank you for going on the journey with me!
It has taken me this long to get here, Schuyler. This final chapter is quite something to take in, marking a profound degree of individuation (one I believe you've taken yet a further leap into recently).
My favorite scene in the whole novel, which swept me along with a quickening pace, was the visit to the cemetery. Your intuitive navigation through the city, Katherine's sudden visitation and your instant recognition of it, your willing lending of your body for her, one pair of eyes becoming a window upon a grave for two souls—one living, another dead.
Something about the leap you took to Paris, your trusting it's meaning enough to do it, is very moving. Beyond that, the graveyard scene raises a profound question: what is this kind of consciousness that can trustingly surrender a body in full sovereignty, without loss of wakeful presence in trance or loss of control through possession, all the while watching, maintaining the capacity to discern the invisible, pneumatic distinctions between what is "I," and what "other," in the private arena of thoughts, memories, impulses, desires, reactions, etc?
Perhaps I'm being too literal-minded here, but I like the ambiguity of it all. Something feels significant here.
Well done seeing this unfinished business through to end...
Beautiful! I'm so happy to see this come to completion, happy for you I mean. I'll miss these little missives. Know that I'll be rooting for you on the journey of publication...