Hello friend. I’m enjoying reading, and particularly this chapter since it’s set in a) Fontainebleau and b) the twenties, both of which I love. I want to offer thoughts but I find myself feeling that “I don’t know what I’m reading” - by which I mean, if I were to pick up this book in a bookstore, I would have read the back cover, which would have oriented me in a particular way to what I would be reading were I to purchase it. I wonder if you might offer us a “back cover” précis, something that frames what the book is about and the themes etc. You know what I mean, we’ve all read a thousand of them... “this is the story of two women... x years and x miles apart... their lives blah di blah...” with that sort of cliffhanger that hints at what is going to happen as we progress towards the book’s conclusion. I’m deeply intrigued by the hybrid of memoir and semi-fictional channeled biography. I hope my request makes sense. Another way of putting it might be, I want to know what scent I’m tracking.

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Emma! Thank you for your suggestion. I love it. I added a blurb to the top of this post that I hope will address the challenge you point to. I can imagine many others have had the same experience of "I don't know what I'm reading." You sharing that helped me a lot and it gave me great joy to try and remedy that. I will keep thinking about ways to make the process more inviting. I did not include the "cliffhanger" YET but I want to see how I can do that. Will chew on it. Thank you again, much love and gratitude for your support my writing sister friend.

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Thank you! This is so helpful. The part in what you wrote that stood out most to me was: “process some of the subtle dynamics that arise in the archetypal journeys of the student/teacher, masculine/feminine”. Would you say this is the main “thing” (did I tell you I’m a writer 🤣)? If so, that helps me focus on what to take from what I’m reading, and how to offer comments about it. If, upon reading that, you think that actually no, that’s not “it”, what would you say it was instead? I was really affected by what the other reader, Charlie (I think?), wrote about the search and longing for a deep soul connection on your level. Might it also be about that? Not putting words in your mouth, I’m just curious. Because my feedback would change depending on the main focus/intention/“thing” you are working through with this story.

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So many good questions here, Emma. And to tell you the truth...it's all alive and still unfolding. In a way, I don't have a plan. I have two stories--one of them I lived, one of them I received and am inventing because it feels like it holds clues for me about my own experience. Yes, I would say the main thing is cleaning up the archetypal sacred marriage and the experience women frequently have on the path in a patriarchal world. I am doing that by sharing my experience with as much nuance as possible. I don't know if it will be linear...if it will hold together...where it's going. I really want to stay pretty open and in a way that means I am truly curious about whatever is jumping out at folks. It's like a detective story in a way and even I don't know who dun it! :)

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I’m curious at what point in the story you stopped writing (back in the day). I wonder if that’s something you’d be willing to share? Or will that disrupt the flow of the progressive unfolding you have planned for this series of shares? X

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I enjoy the different writing style you use here, as it does help me to be taken back in time and feel as if K was journaling and making this more intimate.

I note how G is charismatic but seems less creepy as H. Of course, I don't know how this will unfold , but I feel more warmth and magic from G and more psychopathy from H. Yet both affirm their higher status by ignoring the hand shake... So not cool... Who do they think they are??? :-)

Not sure what do I hate the most, that or man that twist your hand while shaking it to appear superior... Brbrrrbrbrrrr

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Best bit for me:

"It’s something physical I long for—like wrestling with the angel. I want to be tumbled, tousled. Playfully, of course. I want to prove to them and to myself that this body still has life in it. I can still take a few knocks. Oh, to run! To be tired at he end of the day, rosy-cheeked from physical exertion. My stamina is invisible to everyone but me."

This is an ode to rough and tumble play and what is to transcend one's limits in a fun way and respectfully while being in a flow state and being fully alive, connecting with the other in different way than dance, intimacy or through fight.

This Katherine truly gets it!

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Ooooh thanks for pulling this piece out and highlighting it. I wrote that "for" Katherine, but definitely in her voice and maybe she even DID write it through me. Hard to say. It was remarkable how free I felt giving voice to her experience...easier than my own with my personal hang-ups :) It really is beautiful.

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Hi Schuyler. I'm being cautious with my finances and what things I subscribe to at the moment. But just want to say I've so enjoyed the story so far, both just in and of itself, and also learning some more about you. Thankyou for sharing :)

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