Absolutely love what you shared here ♥️ so honest, willing and surrendered. You are an inspiration ♥️

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Happy to share more any time. I feel strongly that financial transparency is part of our way out of the current system into something new and based on love, respect, mutual care...trust.

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I would have loved to join but cannot make it until January, in case this is ever postponed.

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Next time, Andre! For sure. Would love to have you.

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Thanks for being transparent on this issue, we need more of that in the world. I am also going to be transparent and say that my job (which I love in all other ways) does not pay me enough to be able to spare the money to do your course. I thought about emailing you and asking for a discount but then I realised that I have other commitments on several of the days the course will be taking place so I couldn't do it anyway.

Meanwhile, here's some AI-generated ideas, some of which are garbage, but you may get something out of the others. One other one I will add which is human-generated is to bridge the funding gap by recording the classes then selling access to the recordings after the fact, as for example, River Kenna does here https://innerwilds.lemonsqueezy.com/

Here are the AI ideas then:

Implement Affiliate Marketing

Create an affiliate program, encouraging past participants and supporters to promote the course in exchange for a commission. This could help increase enrollment without additional marketing costs1

. Collaborate with Influencers

Partnering with influencers or thought leaders in related fields could expose the course to new audiences, potentially increasing enrollment and revenue

Reduce Costs

Streamline Course Delivery

Analyzing the course structure for potential efficiencies could help reduce operational costs without compromising quality

Seek Volunteer or Intern Support

Engaging volunteers or interns passionate about the course's mission could provide valuable assistance while keeping costs down


Explore Funding Options

Crowdfunding Campaign

Launching a crowdfunding campaign could help raise additional funds while also increasing awareness of the course

. Seek Sponsorships

Approaching organizations or individuals aligned with the course's values for sponsorships or grants could provide additional financial support

By implementing a combination of these strategies, you may be able to increase revenue, reduce costs, and bridge the financial gap

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Guy, thank you for your honesty also. I agree. We need so much more of it. Especially around money issues. I wish you could join! Would love to have you there. I appreciate your ideas and the AI ideas. Will take them into consideration. X

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Thank you for your transparency, courage and curiosity in this process. It inspires me. I will keep my ears and heart open for ideas.

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Thank you, Rebecca. I appreciate that.

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